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my dad is a chiropractor and this is exactly what it is like


it sounds like spokes on a bicycle tire being slapped with a hammer

Douglas E. Smith

Maybe her butt will fall off like Melon's did...

Errol Lobo

I forgot that May couldn't cry because her ducts were busted, so I forgot Momo could cry and it surprised me and now I'm crying.


I wonder if May is going to get tear ducts in her new body.

Michael Boettger

Just to be safe, let's head to the chassis store right away. And stop by Union Robotics. Just to be safe.


TIL that Momo can cry actual liquid tears and that makes me so sad for some reason

Joel Bateman

Wow, May showing empathy, and Momo laying a verbal smackdown on her, making her realise she DOES have friends that care about her. Great page!


Wait, does anyone apart from Dale actually know what May was convicted for? Momo might understand her feelings better if she realises just how much May fucked up before.

Bailey Tighe

That was the sound of May's ass popping. I'm calling it now, she's getting a new ass. And Bubbles is 100% going to love making it.


ohhh im gonna cry


I am SO EXCITED to see what she chooses!!


Is it just ducts? Because I remember Roko as being unable to cry, and had to use WD40 when told the romance story. And I though she had a decent body before the accident? Her new body wasn't that much of an upgrade?


Knew this was gonna make me cry. I’ve loved following May’s arc, and seeing her become so much more dynamic through her relationships with the other characters. She’s grown from a grumpy voice in the background into someone I genuinely want to see have control over her life and a smile on her face.


Suddenly, so many questions. What will May's new body look like? Will she go through the same teething problems as Roko did? Come to think of it, Roko doesn't seem to have had any more problems with her new chassis. Could it be that getting so involved with May's problems pushed that into the background? We'll have to wait weeks, or months, to get the answers.


careful with her, Momo, Imposter Syndrome is a real thing!


She's getting a whole new body so of course she is getting a new ass

Dylan T

I thought the phrase for bad things happen was "tits up" but that pop sounds more like May is going "tits down"

Michael Boettger

Roko's problems seemed to abate after Yay put her in sleep mode. And she had that dream. One of the avatars gave her that three word message. Not that Yay had anything to do with that.


Tomorrow: Steve grills tamales for Tamale Thursday


"Don't worry May, we've got your back! Well, at least the larger pieces of it..."


If it wasn't her butt falling off I'm gonna be disappointed


I just realized, if it’s like Roko, we are going to see May’s avatar ever since she met with Dale on her first parole stint while they load up her from the old robot to the new one. I wonder if it’s still censored?

Joseph Bonnar



Just great. I was already crying about something unrelated, and then I open this. Too many feels for a Wednesday!

Joseph Bonnar

For those who don't know how powerful Momo's puppy dog eyes can be, here's the strip of her taking down BUBBLES with them: https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3091

Aqua Allison

...god I don't wanna be that guy but I think I've seen enough anime to know where this is going. I ship MayMomo don't judge me.

Grace Kieser

Wait, whose heart did May steal!?

Tamara Temple

awwwww ❤️❤️❤️


Heartfelt and hilarious. Good page.


Roko has a fancy logo on her butt. May has a "Honk if parts fall off!" bumper sticker.


"Look! It's replaceable! Like a tire! Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk" - The seagulls in Opus: A wish for wings that work


Thanks Jeph. <3

Fart Captor

Now kiiiiiisssss 👉👈


May can protest as much as she likes - the moment Momo starts crying at you you can just as well give up. Good thing, to. That hug is beautiful


I just flashed on May booting up in her new chassis for the first time and saying, "TITS! I've got real tits!"

Chris Crowther

This is where her arse falls off, isn't it?


Ah quit busting her ass, Momo!


I haven't seen enough anime to be sure, but I feel this should be some sort of not-entirely-uncommon clash between Moe and Tsundre. Please answer with youtube links :-)

Evgeniy Semyonov

I hope it was just May's self-loathing.

Stephen Wells

Somebody needs to explain Pay It Forward to May. And also reattach her pelvis.


ooh, maybe Sven could help her..

David Durant

Don't kiss crying people. Taking advantage of emotional vulnerability is bad m'kay.

David Pipes



Another amazing story arc climaxes. The master storyteller has us weeping over the feelings of a drawing of an imaginary AI. Whew, what a ride. I wonder where we go next...


It just occurred to me that this is two genuine comfort-seeking hugs from May.. in a single week. Progress.

Thomas A. Dennis

Your cynicism, May, that's what broke.


Who wants to bet that May’s butt falls off?


*checkz calendar* I feel like it's butts disease season