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Probably just the wind




Nelson is very dapper. He has to be the anti-Pintsize.


That's some draft


Never change, Beeps.

Joseph Bonnar

That IS Nelson. I remember that it's not Arthur because of the pun made when Bubbles named her plant Arthur. Claire said if it was a dog, it would be named Arfthur. https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3435

Chris Gallaty

Isn't that the Office's Moving Howl?

Michael Boettger

Roko just walked into her office. Yay is sitting in her chair. Yay still is having difficulty with boundaries.

Rob McBobson

Well, if it's not *Roko* who's screaming hysterically, then it's peachy. :)

Shawn K. Younkin

A good scream against seemingly unbeatable odds actually does wonders.

Matt Grayson

Oh, c'mon. Just ask Yay for some advice. What could go wrong?


I can't wait for Roko and Hanalore to meet.


It's... a client! Yeah, that's it. Let's, um, check the lobby, and definitely not the supply closet.

Michael Boettger

They have. Roko came in to get some tea. And Hanners was decidedly cool when she found out who she was.

Nicholas A Wagner

Hay, if a potted plant can defeat a mad scientist, he sure as well skateboard

Nicholas A Wagner

"Do you know how hard we had to work to make them use the bodies they use now? They were using usb drives with googlie eyes and pipe cleaner arms!

Sleepy John

Roko needs to go find some bread,


Some Boudin sourdough bread from San Francisco-- mmmmmmmm!


Beeps is almost floating in the second panel

Evgeniy Semyonov

- Commander, USS Beepalisk of the Indefatigable Armada is going full speed ahead! We'll never catch up with them at this point! - Do not worry, ensign, Battleship Yaroko is already charging its main cannon. Nothing can stand up to it. - Sir, but what about that dreaded submarine, U-96 "Clinko"? We have not heard about them for months, and it would be a perfect time for them to strike. - We can only wait and pray, ensign, wait and pray.


we are all femto. (is that like sanpaku?)

Solomon Garland

Clinko is probably still engaged with Brinton and Cliliot, they're some pretty heavy-duty ships. These be treacherous waters.


What are Nelson's suspenders holding up?

Zach Elwyn

Isn’t Yay like a trillionaire? And also hannelore’s parents. Seems like funding should be a small issue.


Yay gave away their money, Hannerlore's mother is evil and her father... Yeah, he or station could probably help out.