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spin yer pardner round and round



Lord Crusade

Oh Claire, you are wonderful =D


Cookie (yum)

Samantha Yeaman

This series continues to amaze me with the ways it handles empathy and relating to others. Also god damnit, I want cookies and milk now.

Michael Boettger

Claire: naturally empathic Faye: skips right past conflicts these days. Possibly a side effect of being in a stable, loving relationship.

Ted Van Roekel

That final panel... So much love.

Michael Boettger

Interesting reveal? Claire came out to her mom, not both parents? So Mr Augustus was out of the picture even then.


could have been a case of mom first, get an ally for the tougher discussion with dad to come later

Matt Grayson

Damn. I wanted to see what tyranny Emily freed herself from next.

Everett Bradshaw

Claire is seriously the best, and Faye has really come a long way.

Jaron Mortimer

I prefer Emotional Support Freestyle Breakdancing.

James Redekop

Good choice. The rise of square dancing *was* a deliberate attempt at enforcing white supremacy, after all. :P


Faye really has traded in her habitual crankiness for emotional honesty these days, hasn’t she? Bubbles has been a great influence in her life.


lol and my family wonder why I was just like, "Facebook status: I changed my name and have been taking hrt for two years already. Please don't make this a big deal"


I have yet to hear a Theremin, much less Thereminae. In the immortal words of Jean-Baptiste Emanuel Zorg, "I am very DISAPPOINTED!"


Hahahahahahahahahahaha, Faye's an absolute treasure. Solid gold. I love her so much.


To be fair, it's kind of hard to actually <i>hear</i> a theremin in a comic strip.


Spoiler: Claire will not stop the emotional support squaredance

Bonnie Fiddis

I love these two so much, then again I love all of the characters... Dammit Jeph why do you write so well.


Let's face it - 'Hitting someone until things get better,' isn't a viable relationship strategy with Bubbles.


I want to make a cookie called the Emotional Support Squardance.

Ísabel Pirsic

“... or would you rather have a sarcastic and metaphorical cookie?” - is not something current HappyFaye would say but former GrumpyFaye might have

Some Ed

Oh, Faye, if only it worked that way... (I've witnessed multiple people, including myself, take the stance she's taking in the last panel, and yet still needed to be reassured of this stuff later on, because it's really not as easy as that.)


So a thumbprint sugar cookie with a well of strawberry jam?