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I now wish we had an alternative version with a Canadian accent!


It's time for Yee Haw AI Ranch with Bubbles and Faye


the way Bubbles closes her arms in out of embarassment is making her roboboobs very prominent and i demand that from now on all robots have gigantic tits. the men and the enby robots too.


Bubbles is me and i am Bubbles.

Michael Boettger

Bubbles seems to be the most evolved of all the AIs we've seen, right? Maybe the longterm interaction with human (military, etc) has rubbed off on her. Or maybe, yeah, shes just trying to endear herself.

Matt Grayson

Have we ever seen Bubbles laugh before?

Rob McBobson

I like the little detail of Bubbles holding her hand to her chest in that dignified "This is how a true lady looks when she's laughing" pose.

Dean Reilly

It's more obvious in this strip- you can definitely see that Faye is holding the phone with her right hand, but her left hand is holding it in the close-up panels.

Joseph Bonnar

Bubbles IS endearing. Very,

Maurice Kessler

Code-switching with dialect to ingratiate! I've certainly done it.

Bailey Tighe

Well, I'll be! Bubbles is such a sweet lass, ain't she?


Take off eh! ~Token Canadian

Dylan T

Pure wholesome robut

Greg Matyola

Having been going through Basic Training in South Carolina, I still have some southern slag in my speech now, even though I wasn't in for a year. It kinda sticks to you like grits.

Simon Green

Do AIs have cheek chromatophores that allow them to blush?

Bruce Steinberg

I think the Spookybot collective is probably the most “evolved”, but Bubbles certainly acts very human. That may be due to the “couples acting like each other” thing rather than her military career though. She’s changed a ton since she and Faye first met.


i think that went well


Reckon the “ma’am” would have been enough, but I get the idea of overcompensating and you just say stuff you wouldn’t normally

Adam Friedlander

Oh no, Bubbles has gotten even cuter.


I definitely slip into the accents of people I'm around. My husband has a pretty heavy southern drawl that I unconsciously adopt to the point where people just assume I'm from Alabama lol

Sleepy John

And you did jus' fine, sweetheart, you hear?

Mike O'Dell

Bubbles has better social graces than a large fraction of the Homo Sapiens I’ve dealt with over my life. The strip has never explored the darker side of AIs, although we do know that since Bubbles was a soldier in her prior instantiation we can assume AIs are not bound by “The Three Laws” in the full Asmovian formulation. It is heartening to see that Faye and Bubbles seem to be what each other need.

Paul Britt

I hate to be pedantic but I have a correction. I have lived my entire life (62 yrs) in the deep south, so I know what I am talking about here. The word "y'all" is never used by real southerners as a singular. Y'all is only a plural phrase. It is a bastardization of "all of you."


In my experience, y'all is singular and all y'all is plural, but I'm willing to believe that my experience is biased by the population who moved to North Carolina's Triangle to work.


Doth bubbs be a southern gal? 🤔🥰😀


Take mercy, Faye. The poor girl has already vented enough coolant for one day


I'd have been up to see Bubbles' attempt at a Canadian accent

Timothy Roller

That's...that's not how "y'all" works!


No, I think she was trying too hard to appease Mrs. Whitaker, hence Faye joking about it

Evgeniy Semyonov

Why ain'tcha takin' it easy with yer missus, Faye? She did done good 'ere.

Mattezhion Zane Corgan Campbell

Every time I think you've maxed out the adorableness of this pair, you kick it up a notch. Your work continues to be an exemplar of relationship building


So.... Faye used to only use contractions when she was either drunk or super comfortable.... and now I believe Bubbles has only used them when totally nervous. Thats rather adorable.

Clifton Royston

In this strip Faye looks younger and lighter in spirits than she has in a long time. Coming out has taken so much weight off her.


What happened to buff Faye?!?! Bring back buff Faye!!!

Jeffrey Nonken

When I was in college, there was this other student named Jeff who was from Kentucky. In a show of clever creativity the other students in the dorm called him "Kentucky." (They called me "Penn State.") For some reason, any time he walked into the room, I'd adopt a (faux) Kentucky accent in imitation. It wasn't deliberate, and it wasn't intended to mock him. Eventually I realized I was doing it and made a conscious effort to stick to my normal accent, but for whatever reason, it was something my brain did without consulting me.

Erin Moriarty

Dear Bubbles, you couldn't be more endearing if you tried ❤️


Bubbles in the last panel. so cute.

Stephen Wells

More flustered Bubbles please. Flubbles?


Bubs has form with not quite managing to blend in. See her attempt at 1337 speak- https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3552