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aw bubs!!




Oooooh boy


shes done up hER EYES IM DYING


Bubs so pretty! ^_^


Ouf that's some strong southern mom babbling

Nicholas Lopez

On a scale of 1-10, Bubs is a total 11 in terms or beautiful in this comic <3


This would've been even more awkward if Faye had actually got back together with Angus, and he hears her mom dissing him :D


I'm hoping for shocked but ultimately supportive.


Bubbles is a babe 🥰

Joel Bateman

Oh my gosh, I knew Bubs was pretty, but you made her STUNNING!


I'm not quite sure when it happened but the top 5 most bangable characters in this comic all became robots at some point. And one of them is Yay.


"Not a *man*, no." Mrs. Whitaker, take a hint...


Poor Bubbles! Such a deer-in-the-headlights look!


More than one man then? ;)

Michael Boettger

I got a feeling Faye is about to lose her other parent, either in the familial/emotional sense, or less likely in the physical sense. "So I'm not getting a grandchild out of either of you?"


So Bubs got dressed up and Faye took off her shorts?


Aw, poor Bubbles! Traumatized.

David Durant

Y'know - with everyone settling down into long-term relationships and Hanners doing so much better I've been wondering where the story is gonna go in QC. Yes, we've got the Brun/Clinton/Eliot/Millefeuille but what else is there? Then, it struck me - Bubble's is ex-military will missing memories. Pintsize is a military-chassis robot that (I think) Martin found in trash bin. Shared secret history plot anyone?


I liked Angus

Thomas A. Dennis

NGL, Bubs with lipstick is a heck of a good thing


Pintsize was assigned to Martin as an official A.I. companion through an agency. I think the milspec chassis was accidentally sent to Pintsize as an upgrade.

Mark Thomas

Am I the only one who thinks Bubbles looked better in the last comic Without the dress-up?

Shawn K. Younkin

OMG Bubbles... no combat training could have ever prepared you for a situation this stressful.


Hair brushed, makeup on and dressed nicely. Oh Bubs!

Frank Wales

Bubs is drop-dead gorgeous. As in, she's gorgeous and she can make you drop dead.

Andrea Andrew

I was kinda hoping that Mrs. Whitaker would reveal that she already knows about Faye’s bisexuality. Nice outfit, Bubbles.

Dylan T

Bubbles looks like she's having an out of body experience


Aahhhh I'm so nervous for them! Eeek.


oh bubs :3


There is no possible set of circumstances when that sentence would not be awkward.


Wondering what Amanda is up to?

Grace Kieser

This time of night? Probably making sweet love to her roboticist doctor girlfriend!

Shane Wegner

Faye's sister is going to have a blast with this Bubbles turn of events. If she's still with that AI-studying girlfriend, her too. It might have been been good practice to try out the news on her sister first, more supportive, might have had some life experience advice for breaking girl-related news to Mom.


I like that Bubbles got all dressed up and fancy, and all Faye did was take her pants off

Thomas Halpin

The suspense is killing me. I can't stand it. I Love this comic.

Clifton Royston

Amanda would have been "Oh, you finally caught on, huh?" She and her girlfriend looked like they'd figured it all out as soon as Faye started talking starry-eyed about Bubbles, long before Faye clicked. https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3660 and even more so https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3663


Mrs. Whitaker's design changed in a way that makes her look more motherly and I like that.

Evgeniy Semyonov

Were it a David Willis comic, we would certainly get a heart attack for the mother; inner turmoil for Faye, who would've moved back to South to take care of her; heartbroken Bubbles, who would have to live with sorrow and regret afterwards; and some jackass general, who would try to recruit Bubbles back into service, using her inner turmoil. Thank God we have Jeph.


Bubbles what... what have you done to you, you poor dear


Aww bubbles got all made up!

Solomon Garland

Bubbles: Hair, makeup, cute outfit, anxiety. Faye: doesn't seem to be wearing pants


Faye and Bubbles are the fucking cutest <3


Well I can't argue with the logic, a girl robot is probably going to be more dependable than a boy human, sorry guys.


I love that Faye is wearing the same T-shirt as she was in the N year old picture on her mum’s wall


Why does a made-up Bubbles remind me of Raven? Why wont that thought leave my head? Make it go away!


Bubbles legit looks like a sex doll in panel 4... =/ I'm not sure how I feel about that, other than I like casual Bubbles more.


She might, and in the grand tradition of her family and this strip, be trolling the crap out of her daughter. https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=617


oh dear


I'm late to this game, but outside of "This Frickin' Town," the only places we've been are (1) The Ellicot-Chatham Space Station, (2) Faye's home town. The rest of the world isn't as weird, at least not down Mrs. Whittaker's way, is it?


Bubbles cleans up -extremely- well!

Chloë Salzenberg

I don't understand all the Bubbles-in-makeup love. She's a retired soldier natural bruiser. That face in makeup is not Bubs, it's what Bubs thinks shows respect to wear on her face.

Randall Norman Pick

Bubs looks like she's trying hard not to sit at attention. I hope this goes well


overall, I think I like Bubbles au naturel. but the eyes are killer.


wah yah wah bah Bubs!


#2262 - Pintsize called it.

Matthew Van Gangelen

Bubbles is has been my favorite character for a while though Roko and May are both starting to challenge for that title.

Solomon Garland

I always wondered if that was some kind of (possibly retroactive) foreshadowing!

Some Ed

I'd say she looks nothing like I do when I'm having an out of body experience, but very much like I do when I have a 'wish I was out of this body' experience. Or having a dissociative episode. I do understand that some people use 'having an out of body experience' as a long form of 'dissociative episode', but for those of us who have had both, they're very different.

Some Ed

More to the point, regardless of how much they tell you in basic that they're training you to be prepared for anything, combat training is the opposite of preparing you for this sort of situation, because all the things they train you to do as if by reflex are things you absolutely don't want to do here. This is the time to think carefully before speaking or acting, rather than to act without hesitation. (There are a few things that one can do without hesitation in this circumstance and have it be a good thing, but none of them are combat maneuvers.)