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I love you Clarissa



Tara Cook

Martin is SUCH a cleric.

Jackie Horn

Marten probably still has that shirt too


Someone is working through some aggression there.


bahahahahahaahah classic

Michael Boettger

Marten's nerd roots are showing. Which makes his match with Claire even better.


Totally could have gone War Cleric. Though Marten would probably be Niche-Indie-Band-Knowledge domain.


GDI, Jeph. That has triggered the theme song to that Nickelodeon show in my head now.


You can totally be the sword guy as a cleric. 3.5e gave lots of options for that

Erin Moriarty

I'm not sure what upsets me worse... The fact that I was basically long-haired Clarissa at that age, or the fact that it was basically guaranteed I would have boinked Marten in a Pumpkin's shirt for certain at that phase in my life.

Patrick Liston

...You know, teen Marten had really good hair.


Wow, Marten hasn't really changed.


I love _you_ Jeph Jacques and the alternate reality you've created. It's such a wonderful place to escape to during these (or any other) times of stress and uncertainty. Thanks for creating people and AIs with more humanity than we see in the 'real' world humans.

Dylan T

Is...is the one with the frosted tips Steve?

Mark Hechim

Would it be possible for you to upload at a higher resolution? <3


Clarissa cameo please!

Grace Kieser

C'mon, Marten! Don't be a square! Take a couple hits and ponder the feel of your tongue in your mouth!

William Cole

Isn't there an old strip where the gang is role-playing, and Marten is an especially useless Bard? Or has my subconscious been writing fanfic again?

Peter Jensen

I'm just going to leave this here: https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=134


I play D&D every week...... wait


Guest comic: https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=2183


Oh Marten just play a rogue/thief and put frogs in Clarissa's pockets or something, be creative about it.


Such limited imagination to think only a fighter can use a sword.


Nice Scott Pilgrim shirt. I think?


Not cool, Thai

Magic Beans

In Marten's case, probably, but it goes back further. The shirts were originally made by the Zero skateboard company and popularized when Billy Corgan wore one in the music video for "Bullet with Butterfly Wings" (1995).

Churchill (formerly TeaBear)

I didn't discover D&D until college (1985), but getting drunk at a church college was still more socially acceptable.


Oh Martin, you dork. Did you get peer-pressured into D&D or did you get peer-pressured into thinking D&D is lame?


I always wind up the cleric. (as I comment while raid healing classic bwl) >.>


Clarissa and Bronzebottom from PVP can never meet.

Dean Reilly

I'm guessing that Clarissa is now a vegan Buddhist living in an ecologically-sustainable yurt.


Clerics are no joke, you can build 'em to be just a great blend of combat-capable and support. Or you could back in 3.5 and Pathfinder, anyway. I have no idea what they're like these days.


Knock that shit off Tai




Feel ya bud.


5e cleric are no joke btw. They solved the "who is the cleric" conundrum by making them all stars.

Aaron Schulz

They can shred face and then you heal you to full now. Its pretty awesome.

William Etheridge

I thought that 5e gave every class healing so that no one would ever have to worship a god ever again?


That Periodic Table in the background lets us know that Marten was in ninth grade in 2017 or so. Oganesson and Tennessine weren't named until then. :)


it's a gateway ...


well, they were named, but hadn't yet collected enough signatures to qualify for statehood ...


Pretty sure young Marten is wearing a Smashing Pumpkins shirt there 😍


Noted as well. But, perhaps this is a clue to the timeline differences required for the development of AI