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I definitely had these feelings for the first year or so of sobriety




the best thing to put in a mug is jelly beans


Now I want jelly beans.

Ted Van Roekel

Life: Roll insight. Dora: Nat 20.


I think because I went to so many funerals during high school where my peers died in a car crash where alcohol was involved, I never developed a taste for alcohol.

Bailey Tighe

In my case, it was driving the drunk idiots home so they wouldn't die.


Oh, I get that. I was in a car accident and for a year afterwards I braced myself whenever I saw a car approaching a crossroads.

Michael Boettger

And remember, Faye WAS in a serious accident!

Grace Kieser

Gorram, Dora! That's a lot of coffee this late!


okay but home decoration is fun

Hugh Eckert

Domestication requires generations of artificial selection, so isn't Dora really *taming* Tai? Sorry, I've been binge-listening to "The Common Descent Podcast"...

Hugh Eckert

I love how she goes from side-eye to compassionate understanding almost immediately.

Peter McDevitt

gotta weed out those bad habits.


I wanna hug full of jelly beans...but now I'm worried about choking hazards.

Michael Boettger

When you think of it, Dora is talking about a step into adulthood. One's residence becomes less of a place where one merely sleeps, eats, and bathes, and starts to become a home. Permanent, as opposed to ad hoc.


Can someone remind me what caused Faye to drink?


Angus, the man she finally fell in love with, moved to the city to take his dream job and she elected to stay behind and break up the relationship rather than take a chance and pull up stakes and move with him. It broke her heart and she started drinking move heavily (she was always a drinker) to "drown her sorrows."


I think, in this case, "domesticate" means "to make accustomed to the comforts and manners of a domicile".


I have had a mug of jelly beans like that on more than one occasion. It's quite satisfying.

Joseph Bonnar

I love that. Thank you, Jeph. I stopped drinking, had to. And for quite a while afterwards I was pretty tense about others drinking; it took a while for it to sink in that although I had a problem, maybe you didn't.


Jeph, thanks for sharing your experience with us through the fabulous Faye. 💚


Is it just me or is Dora the cutest thing ever on this page? I am continually impressed by Jeph's ever evolving art style.


I'm glad someone brought this up, honestly. It always seemed to me that Tai's drug usage was way worse than Faye's alcoholism until the incident that put Faye in the hospital. Tai was frequently coming into work high, and not just on marijuana either, thinking back on the comic where she was seeing Marten as a dragon. Faye got drunk at work once and was appropriately fired for it, but Tai was able to get away with multiple stoned shifts without reprimand, I never thought that was fair.


Welcome to the real world where "fair" never comes into play.

Michael Boettger

Tai is in charge of the library on a day-to-day basis. I don't recall her actually taking drugs on the job, but before she came in. Nobody either noticed or cared. And she wasn't closely supervised.


I mean, whether you come into work stoned or get stoned on the job, both are bad.


and Dora has hardly murdered anyone lately.


There were comics where she got stones in the back room. Of course, there was also a comic where Martin caught two senior members of the faculty doing it in the copy room. The library is just a strange place.


I know I just CAN'T be the only one who wants Dora's coffee mug, amirite?


I really love the way panels 3 & 4 were laid out.


I think Jeph is lying about the jelly beans.


🎶 jelly bean is not my coffee https://youtu.be/Zi_XLOBDo_Y?t=87


Now I **want** a big mug of jelly beans too!! <3


I was expecting Faye to point that out, but I guess that she didn't want to dilute her acknowledgement that Dora got her.


Dora's lying about this being the first time she's check out a decorating blog. She's a former goth, Goths are completely obsessed with fashion and decorating, it's just a different style than other, but it's still interior design.


Well also dark blood red for special occasions