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renee is a meanie >:[

Michael Boettger

Renee is figuring something's up. And she may be right. Renee is wise. Renee is observant.

Matt Grayson

It’s mm-hmms all the way down, Brun.


if renee thinks they're gay, they're probably gay.

Douglas E. Smith

Renee is shipping as hard as anyone in this thread. She lives for it.


Love this! So many times I'm the Brun in this situation.

Grace Kieser

Brun and Millie are definitely right for each other!

Emma Humphries

Renee ships everyone so hard that we could run AO3 off her imagination.


I now have an animated gif in my head of stacked turtles alternating looking at the turtle above and below them and going, "mm-hmm"


recursive mm hmm's are unfair- a negative feedback that will break down most AI systems!


I have to admit, I haven't been convinced that anybody in the QC universe would be a good match for Brun. Even Brun and Renee have a lopsided friendship, i.e. Renee is as much protector as friend. Even the Clinton/Elliot/Brun triad seems to me to have one too many people. But Millefeuille and Brun look good together, at least as a friendship. They're both working out the rules of human interaction and are helping each other do this. It's turning out to be a relationship of equals. From a romantic standpoint, Millie seems more amenable to the idea than Brun, mainly because it hasn't occurred to Brun yet.


Jeph you always do this to us, we know YOU too well lmao!

Shawn K. Younkin

You had to know you were going to pay for the ouzo Brun...

Andrea Andrew

I wonder how Renee will handle the romantic possibilities of Brun and Millie, considering her crush on Elliot and her support of Elliot pursuing Brun.


What’s Renee’s recursion exit condition though? I wonder if it involves harpoons.


Gawd I hate it when arm-chair psychologists chime in. I mean I love it. I just hate that I was beaten to it... Mm hmm.


Very perceptive


When I first went to see a nurse practitioner for psych meds almost 15 years ago my then roommate teased me about her, and kept up with mmm-hmms when I kept implying there was no possibility of attraction. Finally he was taking a sip of soup and I said "she's 50 years old with no eyebrows" and it was so satisfying to see him choke on his soup.


Anyone else think that Brun's face has become steadily more and more expressive since she met Millefeuille??

Stephen Wells

Specifically Brun's face in panel 2 when she says she likes Millie... She seems genuinely mmm-hmm!

Barry Callahan

To all y'all angsting over which 'ship Brun's going to board, I have to say: Polyamory is a thing, And polyamorous relationship graphs vary quite a bit. It's entirely within the realm of possibility that Brun finds herself in a fully-connected triangle with Elliot and Clinton while at the same time being involved with Mille.


It's worked for me for years :)