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hi Melon




We move from wacky A.I. hijinks to wackier A.I hijinks. I love this comic.


Yay, it's Yay! no I will not stop


Actually got an out loud laugh out of me. Good job.


The mealworms are for the skunk. For a job well done.


yay and elliot meet! fuck yeah

Anthony Gaglianese

< insert obligatory "I love Melon" post here>

Michael Boettger

Yay is completely desaturated in color, aren't they? And just guessing, the mealworms are for Melon? And Northampton has an all night bait and tackle shop?


Yay and Elliot meet! Wacky buddy comedy ensues, Yay gets Elliot into trouble, Eliot saves him, explosions, we finally meet Geisha!Yay and FemmeFatale!Yay, and nobody knows what's going on but Mellon. Maybe.


Love is never having to question the need for mealworms at midnight.


What sort of tea trip would that send Melon on?

Joseph Bonnar

Jeph, thank you for a good laugh now and then. And Melon? No rubbing Clintons ship mate, that vessel has sailed.

Joseph Bonnar

By the way, Melon is still a genuine cute lunatic. :)


What impresses me isn’t that Melon wants mealworms in the middle of the night, but that Yay is willing to go get them.


If Yay is willing to get them, I imagine that Roko has something to do with it. For example, Yay stepped in to keep Melon from asking Roko for them.


That particular body literally had nothing better to do.


Yay! running errands for Mellon... 😍🥰


More like midnight snacc, amirite?


We all think you're a bear, Elliot.


Elliot was nowhere near death. Yay is scary for what they *could* do, but ultimately harmless to anyone who doesn't pose some kind of risk to themselves or possibly someone in their slowly growing friend circle. Everyone else isn't worth thinking about.

Fart Captor

He's sad about scaring the skunk that sprayed him. He's truly the ultimate cinnamon roll


Or perhaps Melon <i>did</i> ask Roko to get them, and Yay volunteered to go in her stead. Although, it <i>does</i> seem that Yay has become pretty good friends with Melon, even if they didn't mean to.


I was going to verb the noun "skunk" (conjugated like "sunk") to make a comment, then I realized all of the tenses were actually words, and not always nice ones. Decided to pass on that idea. But it was the only one I had. Now I have nothing else to say.


Well, what DOES Melon want with a dozen mealworms?



Michael Boettger

This is Yay's first recorded encounter with meat people since that time at CoD, isn't it?

Lil Dodecee

Melon reminds me a lot of the old Pintsize. More goofy than perverted though. I ship Pintsize x Melon c'mon Jeph

Anne Welborn

Oh please keep making me smile Melon.


Doesn’t Yay normally have square speech bubbles? https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=4185

Evgeniy Semyonov

It's inconsistent. Probably different bodies have different speech processors? For example, round bubbles in their first appearance: https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3391

Douglas E. Smith

Soon the comic will be re-named, "No, Melon."

David Pipes

"Melon, no!" would be more apropos. Even apposite. Applicable, too. ...I can do this all day, Jeph... :-)

Drakoo Dreamer

Elliot was 2 seconds from tasting space death laser!


We need a "Things Melon is no Longer Allowed to Do" supplement.


Like "Skippy's List"!!!!! This is an amazing and hilarious idea!

Sleepy John

Does Melon chase frisbees and chew on slippers?

Sleepy John

Eliot muses that he's never seen an AI who was into goth culture. Yay informs in that he hasn't seen nothing yet.

Kinda Squirrely

Roughly 5 feet, by the looks of it

Sleepy John

So, which AI gets to bathe Eliot in tomato juice?


Is Melon in fact a dog driving a humanoid drone?

David Howe

If yey isn't aware of everyone in two blocks, including their current heartbeats and blood sugar levels, I would be surprised. Or maybe they only have that level of awareness of dogs?


Why are Yay’s speech bubbles round?


Snazzier chassis shenanigans is my guess. Though you also have comic 4185 where they're chatting with Roko and Melon, and they have square bubbles. Adapting to whichever company is present maybe.

Darla Donahue

What's up with Elliot's legs in panel 2? is he a squid?


I think that's less about his legs, and more that the creases in his pants were drawn kinda odd.


"meat people" at least it's better than Pintsize's euphemism