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can't believe a large boy was a jock

Bailey Tighe

I was never invited to parties... Not even LAN parties. I had to make those myself.

Rob McBobson

I love Brun's contented face in panel 1.

Bacon Lord

Ah yes good old nerd popularity


Oh Elliot.


How wasn’t he a jock would be my question.


That is the least innocent face Elliot has ever made


Someone dumped a bit extra cinnamon in the roll this morning. <3


I was never comfortable sitting in the middle seat, especially the back middle seat. Seat belts fasteners are uncomfortable.


I mean, it was jock or tuba player.


Nerd popular is always fun!

drone r0m-3

Nerd popular must be nice. I wasn't even nerd popular in high school.

Mad Marie

Jeph, would you please consider for Halloween this year (or perhaps during Comic-con): QC Characters in Alice Grove cosplay? Elliot is making me think of Mr. Church a little here.


I love the spicy cinnamon 😄 also I love nerd parties


He ain't wrong. Just Sassy Sauce(tm) rubbing off on him!

Julie Scott

Nerd parties were the best.

Grace Kieser

Damn, Elliot! Serving some harshbrowns!

Utaku Beta

I didnt even get invited to nerd parties >.> at least until college

Chris Heg

Hell, I'm nerd popular now. Lucky nerds become engineers.


I can see him like taking weight training but never playing in any competitive sports.

Ted Van Roekel

Maybe it's because I identify with him a little too much, but I can see him playing one season of football and getting out because he didn't like the violence and conflict.


+1 for goth


Hey, don’t knock being nerd popular. It’s more fun than being “popular-popular.”

Chris Crowther

I didn't even get invited to nerd parties.


*obligatory band camp reference*


Oh I get the Renee-Brun dynamic now, the "popular girl+dowdy girlfriend" one. Except the dowdy girl never cared about popularity and the popular girl is still deluding herself with it.


nerd popular is the best popular!


The middle seat means you get the stick-shift in the knees. When a girl is there the driver is sometimes provided with an opportunity to touch their thigh... occasionally whether it was his intention or not!


Brun, obviously, was popular with the clock people


followed by rolling eyes. Brun had no clique.


definitely not. elliot's right arm is pressed tight in, on his lap

Captain Button

Picturing The Clock People as the neighbors of The Scientific People in "The Stars My Destination." (See also "Chronopolis" by JG Ballard.)

Jon Guyer

He’ll drive all the way to CA in 1st gear, if he has to

Stephen Wells

Brun's in the tock tick clock clique; Eliot's in the box truck, drives stick. ...I've had too much coffee today.


Renee's with the chess club, goth club, drama; Brun has got a bad hip, Elliot will lift her; look out, kid, it's something you did...

David Pipes

And suddenly my high school life makes an appearance... shudder...

Tim Keating

Typo in that last panel -- cinammon instead of cinnamon.

Churchill (formerly TeaBear)

In spite of his athletic build and obvious regimen (he mentions "leg day" at least once), Elliot never struck me as a "jock".

Devin Forbes

Balanced, as all things should be. Brunos.


Elliot can snark. I like it.

Am Queue

Is this the first time we've seen Elliot *not* nervous around a crush? o.O


So glad to see its not a self driving van in that particular stub... Thats the universe I want to be in.

Daryl Sawyer

Renee, the proper answer to Elliot's barb is "Yes, I got invited to *the best kind of parties*." Seriously, ain't no life like the social nerd life.

Daryl Sawyer

"Jocks" are rather diverse, and often overlap with other cliques in sometimes surprising ways. For example, one of my favorite fellow D&D players was also a football player.

Churchill (formerly TeaBear)

One of my college friends was a football player who went on to be a small-town doctor. Another one was a stereotypical math geek who went on to become and Airborne Ranger Exceptions don't really negate the existence of the type, and if I say Jock, pretty much everybody knows what I mean.