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Michael Boettger

Poor Renee. It's good that Elliot is such a sweetie. But she just keeps putting her foot in it. (Remember the bakery?)

Joel Bateman

Jeph, can we have a spin off comic of Elliot just Ellioting through things in the most precious way?


At least her hand was appropriately placed...

A.A. aka Double

Renee is such a sweet half-considerate jerk friend, I love her


At times like this, Renee can be very trying.


Roko might explode thinking of a cinnamon roll.

Ted Van Roekel

Also, Renee is adorable. Everyone's been loving on Eliot so much, let's not forget how much a good, caring, and wonderful friend Renee is.

Mitchell Sealy

Just a tad. A smidgen on the weird side.


Roko might like Elliot. He has been declared both a cinnamon roll and a muffin. He's certainly pastry at this point.


Okay, while there is definitely a part of me that would Love the Brun / Eliot / Clinton trio relationship, it's hard to imagine Brun jumping into the deepest part of the ocean, when she regularly forgets her snorkel. I'm just saying a three way relationship is based on communicating. Is that Brun"s strongest trait?

Anthony Gaglianese

Oh, look, it's me. Though with less actual progress. It's official, Renee is my spirit animal.


Renee is the driver in this bad Mario Party love game between her, Elliot, Brun, & Clinton. We’re talking like Mario Party 10 bad.

Kyle Major

Probably cause she took the chance for an ab feel

Sleepy John

Eliot's threshold of weird is the smallest of anyone in this comic. He's OK with the harpoon, but not with the friendship.


I'm autistic and autistic people can navigate and communicate in poly relationships. Brun has shown ability to navigate and communicate just fine.


i sense poly stuff coming. its really all this comic is missing.

Erin Moriarty

If this doesn't end in a polytriad I am going to be so disappointed.


I'd love to see it. If that's the way this goes then I trust Jeph to do it justice.




I don't get Brun and Eliot, he admires her but doesn't talk to her socially really on any level. Clinton and her text and have fun socially. Clinton seems to take a genuine interest in things that interest Brun and he finds out these things by talking to her. Eliot just watches from afar and gets tid bits from Renee. Coming from a person that is very much an Eliot himself, Clinton is definitely trying a bit harder in the right ways to develop something with her.




At least she stopped talking about ankles. Was getting a little hot and bothered there.


Jeph, if they all don't realize the love potential here on their own soon, I think you gotta foursome to.

Thomas Halpin

You go girl! You gotta swing or you can't hit!

Clifton Royston

If Renee could have just held off on the big puppy eyes, she might have passed off the hand on the tum. The combo, however...


as far as I can tell, Renee doesn't really do "not-weird"


Patience, grasshopper. All will be revealed in time. :)

Chris Crowther

The Polycule train has arrived...


I don't see Clinton being into guys. I just don't. I do think he would let him down easy tho.


"Always figured I was straight but I guess if I met the right dude, why not, right?" - Clinton Augustus, comic #3710. Followed by accidentally flirting with Elliot. -Again-.


Sorry to stifle poly ships, but only Eliot has shown interest in more than one other character, neither of which have shown romantical interest in him. This strip is more about Renee letting slip HER interest in Eliot. It remains to be seen, of course, if Eliot can reciprocate that.


"only Eliot has shown interest in more than one other character," 😆🤣

Alcaria Swain

This is the best story arc. Thank you so much for this tasty food!!


I was going to use Brad the sourdough starter as an example of Elliot bonding with Brun, but then remembered that that was him bonding with *Roko* instead... https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3961

James A. Whitney

I am 100% like Elliot in this strip and I don't know if that's good, bad, or indifferent.


That chest touch lol


If Brun and Clinton (and Renee for that matter) each ended up with Elliot and only Elliot, it would still be poly

Andrea Andrew

Part of me kind of thinks Renee would be better for Elliot than Brun. Then again, I also think Clinton and Emily would be a good couple to explore again, so what do I know?

Anna Phylaxis

probably best to say "i'm attracted to you," at some point in the past, rather than leading with "we both know i'm attracted to you, right?" renee

I am the captian now

Elliot/ Renee then Clinton/Elliot then Brun/Elliot dont @ me 😤


Yes, but my point is that neither Brun nor Clinton have shown interest in Eliot.


Renee: "Both of us know bla bla" Elliot: internal monologue: "WAIT WHAT?!"


This is not to say Elliot would be the 'right dude'. It might just as easily be a bait-and-switch to keep us guessing.


I have been called similar things by women who weren't the least bit interested in me romantically :P link the strip though, maybe it can convince me


https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3520 and https://questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3710

Churchill (formerly TeaBear)

In all honesty, If Elliott doesn't know already, he's the least perceptive person in the Universe, after this: https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3441


He didn't even know they were *friends* though, he's super oblivious!

Some Ed

I've had somebody explain that they could never be romantically or sexually interested in me *because* I was a super sweetheart. Granted, that person wasn't Clinton, and was in fact an incredibly different person. I'm just saying, it's very definitely not necessarily a sign of interest. Of course, characters in strips usually see stuff that we don't, just like we see stuff that they don't. https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3564


he had more or less the same blush reaction at one point about Elliott that Elliott had about him. I thought he also commented that he was cute.


I was once in a relationship where I occupied some approximation to Elliot's role, and my partner was a reasonable facsimile of Renee. I agree with her in the next strip that it would be a Bad Idea.


"He'd be lucky to have you" immediately follows the "super sweet" comment, so Clinton would hardly appear to be ruling it out... OTOH, the speaker making such a hypothetical statement can sometimes imply "Not me, I wouldn't touch you romantically with a 20 ft pole, but someone ELSE..."

Daryl Sawyer

People like Elliot (relative to Rene) are why I feel like one of the most profound insights into human sexuality can be found in a line from Kindergarten Cop: "Boys have a penis; girls have a vagina." I mean, come on. Men and women are going to be attracted to each other. That doesn't mean they can't be friends. That doesn't mean it's a tragedy if their feelings don't coincide. That doesn't mean that men are creeps and women are sluts. Sexual tension is a given in any male/female relationship, regardless of what society says is appropriate (because genetics and memetics are two entirely different information sets), and it's up to us to use our *brains* to decide when to act upon it, and when not to.


First of all: some girls have penises, some boys have vaginas. Second of all: I have friends who are male and friends who are female and even some non-binary friends, too! I am female and pansexual. I'm not attracted to the majority of my friends, whether sexually or romantically. Sexual tension is absolutely not a given. There was nothing profound in anything you stated. It was actually pretty shallow.

Creepy Cat Lady

Yep, we bisexuals just go around with sexual tension over EVERYBODY! It's astounding we can function throughout the day, with all the sexual tension since we're clearly attracted to EVERYONE ALL THE TIME. You need to check yourself, man. The fact that you don't think straight men and women can have friendships without sexual tension says a lot of unsavory things about you.

Daryl Sawyer

I didn't say people can't be friends. I'm saying sexual tension does not exclude the possibility of friendship. Or are you one of those people who think if you're attracted to someone, it's some kind of tragedy if you can't sleep with them?

Anthony Gaglianese

I think he was more blown away by the idea of them being friends than by the immediately proceeding statement of attraction.

Kaylynn Sabik

The issue is that the conclusion you've come to is a subjective fallacy. This is what YOU have experienced, that does not mean it is universally applicable to ALL relationships. I, for instance, am asexual and, while having a number of friends, have never felt sexual tension with any of them. Beyond that, people can just flat out not be attracted to someone. Assuming sexual tension just because two people have "the 'correct' pair of interlocking parts" is, as previously said, very shallow in addition to being absurdly hetero-normative.