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My erections are HUGE! Swipe right for MassiveStoneCircle4000BC

Michael Boettger

Renee and Elliot bonding while moving. And I love Elliot's observation. I tried flint knapping a number of years ago. It's not that easy.

Alcaria Swain

Confirmed, Elliot fits in any ship


Gathering Tinder. I see what you did there :)

Sleepy John

Come to my cave and I'll show you my collection of petroglyphs.

William Cole

Ooh baby, I’m gonna reduce your lithic core, gonna reduce it good.


Elilot IS the ship. :) You can combine him with anyone, except Pintsize.


Flint knapping isn't a fire starting skill. It's a skill in making stone tools


So all those carved stele are actually spam? It all makes sense now!


I do believe that you have missed the point sir/madam/preferred other.


So Jeph vicariously lives through Elliot


I'm basically Elliot. Big, tall, nice and clueless.


HOT Flint and Steel IN YOUR AREA

Jim Feldman

Speaking of Elliot ships, I really wish Jeph would let him find someone to be happy with. A guy or a gal or even a magenta robot with anger issues and a bread fetish.


How long before they make kissy face? I'm asking for a friend who is quite invested in this topic.


I keep hoping Elliot, Clinton and Brun will be the first poly relationship in the comic lol


I'm unsure about including Brun, but I ship Elliot and Clinton so hard FedEx wants me in their R&D department.


Never trust a guy's cave painting.


beg your pardon, Jeph, sorry to inform you, but Elliot is actually me


Brun doesn't have much connection with Roko, but otherwise there are strong connections to support my favoured Brun-Elliot-Clinton-Roko menage a quartre!

Stephen Wells

Do not have a fling with Eliot, Renee. He's a large target, it's not sporting.


Jaques if Elliot = you, then help me move some dang boxes


Those sound like 'pistols at dawn' fighting words, but you'd both be too polite to pull the trigger!


Hmm so... Elliot is Helix from Freefall?

Douglas E. Smith

Elliot would get along with Obelix, I think. (Asterix comics) They could erect megaliths and menhirs to their hearts' content! Ooh, get Crushbot and Bubbles in on this! Menhir party! And Northampton becomes the next architectural Wonder of the World.

Peter Jensen

Came here to post that ( link for reference: http://freefall.purrsia.com/ff100/fv00075.htm ). They're also both very pure and good.


I once watched a video where a man flint-knapped an arrow head from an old glass soda bottle, was overwhelmed with a desire to try it, and then immediately realized I am impatient and have shaky hands.

Jim Feldman

The problem with the 4 way is that neither Brun or Roko have shown much interest in relationships beyond a loaf of pumpernickel. I'm not against it by any means, but Jeph would need to introduce that character development. Brun certainly likes/trusts Elliot and Clinton and we know for sure they both are interested and Clinton may be open to the idea and likes Elliot.

Some Ed

I'm not sure. Jeph + Elliot doesn't seem to work for me. Elliot + Elliot sorts from other universes doesn't seem to work for me. Even Elliot + Bubbles (as the closest I can readily think of from QC to another Elliot) seems a bit of a stretch. But any sort of relationship where he can be helpful, yes.


Sigh. Desperately in love with Renee!

Ted Van Roekel

20 years ago I was Eliot. *Sigh* I miss that me.