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squint peek squint peek




everybody caught up? good


Who knew a comic about shit could me incredibly happy 😊


i want ice cream now :(


Reminds me of how my sisters socialize when they’re... “indisposed,” let’s say.


That’s the most casual “I’m trans” drop I’ve ever seen.


How did Faye not know? Doesn't she read the comic?!?!


Bubbles looks so nice in her dress!!!


This is how all coming out stories should be, just casually shared over upset tummies


I'm surprised it never came up before. I know she's talked to Bubbles about it, comparing their experiences about being comfortable in their bodies. I'm still waiting for her to talk to Roko.


so glad her being trans is never played for drama <333

Michael Boettger

Bonding. Nice. Could have sworn Faye knew knew. And I love Bubbs maid outfit.


That dress is adorable, and also it's probably nothing but Bubbles left before Claire mentioned that she's trans- part of me wonders if it's going to be a big deal when she learns about it, but I doubt so.


Bubbles already knows about it. She compared her transition to Bubbles being comfortable with her body.


Trans women can get periods, but it varies person to person. The anatomy is different, but the body will still try which causes most of the other stuff like cramps and whatnot. Also, we sync too


That is the most '50s housewife dress I've ever seen in this comic. I approve and we need to see more.

Mitchell Sealy

I suspect that for a while now Faye hasn't known, not for lack of trust, but simply because it hadn't come up with her yet. Marten got the big confession since it was pretty relevant to their developing romance, so she decided to tell him as soon as she was ready to do so, but with Faye even once Claire was comfortable telling her she just kept waiting for it to come up naturally in conversation.


You have to feel sorry for Claire, because if it comes down to competing for that toilet, Faye's got a size and orneryness advantage.

Mitchell Sealy

You know how in Dungeons and Dragons, there will often be artifacts that are just ordinary items, once owned by some powerful figure, and over time imbued with a bit of their essence just through sheer exposure? An item that had been exposed to Faye would probably list among its enchantment that it makes the wielder extra ornery.


Just because she shared with Bubbles doesn't make it okay for Bubbles to share that kind of personal information about her with other people


It's really bad timing with Claire coming out with the shits... wait, that didn't come out right... Augh, that "didn't come out right" comment didn't come out right... and, uh, and... (*dies of recursive embarassment*)

Dylan T

This comic gives me life

Matthew Van Gangelen

Now I sort of want to rearrange the bottom 4 panels in such a way as the conversation no longer makes any sense.

Matthew Van Gangelen

I did not realise that could be a thing. Just curious, has it got to do with the hormone replacement regimen? Feel free to ignore me if I have over-stepped.

Hugh Eckert

Love the squint peek sequence. And Bubs in the dress!

Aeryn Monet

I mean, it gives her an unfair advantage over other women, as evidenced above XD

Chris Heg

Bubs has come a long way from the armor days.


I wonder what goes thru Jeph’s head when he’s like: “yep, lets do a whole sequence about ppl bonding over having the shits.”

Brian English

Somewhere, a man named David W. is wiping a tear of joy from his eye...

AJ Saint

I don’t know if Willis would do that here. I feel the sentiment though.


Come to think of it, they only have one toilet in the apartment, correct? That seems sub-optimal.


indeed. https://questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=1694


If we expand it to "using the toilet" I feel that has been an importent theme of the entire comic. See for example Marten's and Hannelore's first meeting


It's worth noting that trans women can experience some symptoms of a period. Not menstruation obviously, but mood cycles and cramps can occur the same way.

Scott Krell

All people have hormonal cycles. Male cycles tend to be more daily, but they do swing monthly to some degree.


Based on my personal experience and observations is that the male cycle peaks on puberty, then slowly cycles down over their lifetime. Somewhere in their mid-40's or later, they discover that women have faces. There should be a natgeo episode about it, really.

Stephen Ray

It's great that Claire is at that level of trust with Faye, but I can't get over how adorable Bubbles is in that dress.

Derrik Pates

Bubbles looks like she's about to go off to a waitressing job dressed like that.


I cant help but notice the absence of Pintsize. Was he, perhaps, ejected from the conversation? By whom, and with what velocity? And was the door open at the time, or will repairs be required?


I am in love with Bubs's dress, and I'm nearly ashamed to admit it's overshadowing my appreciation for this really adorable bonding moment. <3

Chris Crowther

I am also in love with Bubb's dress. In part because I have a soft spot for peter pan collars.

Peter McDevitt

here I thought there'd be a shitstorm but it just turns out Faye doesn't give two shits.


Several of my friends experience this. It's totes normal for trans people on estrogen to have all the negative symptoms of a period like mood, pain, bloating, except bleeding.


As someone who is trans: Trans girls get periods. Sure, there's no blood (not until uterus transplants become more common), but the rest of the period stuff is there: Cramps, headaches, moodswings, wanting to throw things and then break down in tears and the weird libido, etc.

Clifton Royston

I only really noticed the cautious Faye side-eye -> cautious Clare side-eye on rereading the comic. They're both pretty wary and sensitive people, cool to see this little extra bit of trust emerging.