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May shut up!!!






She's right though.

Michael Boettger

You know, I love the way that May cuts right to the point and can come up with the solution. Even if it does involve multiple homicides.

Joel Bateman

The new issue of Tity is out? Oh man, I hope it comes with my new issues of Big ol Cans, and Plain o Cans!


May is a practical girl.


I like May's solution.


Suddenly thirsty for a Hot Gulp.

Mitchell Sealy

Just having somebody in her corner seems to mean a lot to May. Has it always been her experience that this hasn't been the case, or did that only start after her time in prison? We don't really know much about what her life was like before prison, beyond that she was some kind of successful banker or accountant or something. She handled money in some capacity.


Must be an interesting magazine

William Cole

Based on what the Bureaucratic Prick said, I’m guessing she was a disembodied AI running somewhere among the global financial network: that would have put her in a position to do the embezzling that landed her in Robot Jail, as well as explain why she had no body to go back to after getting out.


Right way, wrong way, May way, mayday

Clifton Royston

No one can box ro-bots like Gaston, Mistreat tots like Gaston, Fall prey to nefarious plots like Gaston!


Mays line in P2 is basically a lyric from Total Eclipse of the Heart... let’s score this thing up 80’s style!


For a second I thought that they were holding hands in the last panel <3

Gemma Hentsch

I don’t love May... But she’s an awesome character... And she deserves better...

Stephen Wells

Business suit Roko was already an impressive presence. Business Suit Roko with her jacket off? Caliente!


Starting to see why Yay wants to be her friend. This is a small beginning, but Roko's need to see justice done and persistence could see her making a big difference in the world of AI law. It would be simplest to just round up some money for May's bod; Sven would probably chuckle and write a check, for instance.


I love how well May takes the bad news, without shooting the messenger. She knows how hard Roko is working for her. ❤️

David Howe

Simpler, but Roko wants to fix the problem, not just one instance of it.


Save for faye/bubs.. I'm pretty sure this is my favorite arc in the comic thus far. So much happening and so much real progress and drama with Roko... and the same for May... and the two in such different boats but on the same seas. Yeah.. aside from the faye/bubs progression (honestly, because of the same sort of things), this is definitely my favorite arc. And none of the other ones are bad....


That last panel... sparked my interest in a May/Roko romance

Bill Hall

Disallowed! (May<>Sven is gonna *have* to happen first.)

Bill Hall

She isn’t wrong ...

Nicki Faulk

I love May so much :3


Perhaps Elliot can help Roko raise money for May's new body with a .... bake sale.

Douglas E. Smith

Then it's really just Roko paying for May's body as she buys up all the bread in a fetishistic haze.

Christopher Beer

Why should May shut up? She has a good point, you know. Just sayin'


I thought May quit the convenience store! whappen?

Ronald Burdick

Perhaps a better strategy would be to rename her January, or February, (she's to cold for May).. Just saying...


I thought that May's defining characteristic was white-hot rage, but here you go- "April in my Mistress face, and July in her eye hath place, within her bosom is September, but in her heart a cold December" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OiOWQzRHmbI