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holy shit Steve you idiot. Perfectly in character


Lol ducked

Joel Bateman

Well, now he has a boat. Everyone should have a boat.

Alacrity Fitzhugh

I drunk-bought some pants once. Nice pants.

Andrea Andrew

Steve pulled a Hangover?! 🤣😂


> ducked up That damn typo


hi cosette

Mitchell Sealy

A lot of phones autocorrect swears to things like that, for some odd reason. Like why is The Man trying to censor my potty mouth?

Kinda Squirrely

To be fair, it really SHOULDN'T have been that easy

Samantha Yeaman



it's chekhov's boat now. there will be some epic QC storyline with our favourite characters fighting, i dunno, TERFs or something. and it's a losing battle. just as they've lost all hope, a miracle: like some sort of waterborne Big Damn Hero, Steve and his drunk-bought boat show up to save the day


YAY! The QC Squad has adopted another character!!!! I can't wait to get into her incredible relationship dynamics with the rest of the cast. And find out a lot about other aspects of her backstory. Typical QC things.


nonononono... everyone should have a FRIEND who has a boat.


Only one thing to do - fence it off to the next poor bastard you get ddrunk with


I got of easy. I just drunk-bought an Artbook at Silvester. ^^"

Lord Crusade

Oh, Hey Cosette, long time no see

Dean Reilly

"I can't believe you drunk-bought GREG NORMAN'S boat!"


It’s not just a boat, it’s a freaking yacht. And then realising it’s more economical to live on a yacht than renting an apartment, Steve, Cosette, and that Russian lady spy go live at the harbour in the yacht. And then they meet their next boat neighbour, Karla.


Anybody need a boat in Wilhelmshaven? I‘d sell ,-) .

Shawn K. Younkin

This is why you should always stay inside and eat cereal Steve!!

Joseph Bonnar

Definition of a boat... Funny shaped hole in the water into which you throw money.

Joseph Bonnar

I want a subscription to Wedding Maniacs.

A.A. aka Double

That's so funny, I just finished re-reading the comic and was thinking about where Cosette, Brun, Jimbo, Amir, Penelope and some other human characters have been lol

Michael Boettger

Now, did Marten go halfsies on the boat with Steve?


obviously drunk-tattoos would be too cliched

Peter Jensen

Well, fortunately, a boat purchase of significant value is bound to involve a contract, and those can be voided when the person was impaired at the time (should be plenty of witnesses to that). He may still be on the hook for some expenses, but it's not on the scale of a money-hole (aka. a boat).


That was my first thought. My second thought was, doesn't Steve have a Very Mysterious Job? The sort that might come with danger pay and mysterious bonuses? If so, he may have paid cash.

Matthew Harris

I can't believe you drunk-bought 87 tonnes of Trix


And to guy who drunk-sold it wakes up asking “dude, where’s my boat!”


Find somebody interested in having a boat and get 'em drunk....

Peter Jensen

I think it's also been mentioned that the tattoo parlors in town won't tattoo drunk people, but *will* let you book an appointment for when you're sober.

Peter Jensen

Oh, Jimbo definitely needs to be at the wedding. Tai's a huge fan of his writing, and something's almost bound to happen that will serve as fruitful inspiration.


that's rude claire don't read other people's messages

Churchill (formerly TeaBear)

Speaking as someone who doesn't drink (various reasons, none of them Moral), It is ALARMING the number of things that are legit SO easy to do Drunk.

Daniel Rydberg

Looking forward to the rest of 2020 QC improving its Nautical Theme spending the rest of the year on sea! Brun can bring a harpoon.

Yonatan Zunger

Small neat thing: anyone else notice how Claire and Dora write in different dialects of "Internet English?" Use of caps, where the punctuation goes... a small thing that fits them perfectly. (Yes, I'm a linguistics nerd.)


Well, at least it's not Dexter Morgan's...

Barry Callahan

I think it'd be funny if Drunk Steve thought he was buying a "Duck Boat" but ended up with the other end of that autocorrect, instead.

Hugh Eckert

Later on, it will turn out that Steve drunk-bought the boat from Tortura and it looks something like this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Independence_(LCS-2)


Tom Scott (YouTube Linguistics) would be so on that.

Bill Hall

Even after the Singularity, autocorrect will be ducking with us ...

Brian Bailie

At first, I thought that said, “I drunk-bought a GOAT!”, and for Steve, that still made perfect sense!

Captain Button

Maybe the aircraft carrier Yelling Bird and Sweet Tits hijacked. https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=2087


Can't wait for the further boating adventures of Captain Steve and FirstMarten


Did somebody we all know and love drunk buy a boat by any chance? Fess up! We'll understand (and all of us have done worse if only in our hearts)

Jon Guyer

If it wasn’t, they’d *never* be able to sell those boats

Creepy Cat Lady

I really love how Marten isn't one bit worried about having Claire check texts for him, and the text is from Marten's ex-gf, with whom Marten got drunk af the previous night, and it's all so wholesome and fine and happy and this entire comic makes me feel so squishy in my heart-meats.


So Dora sends a text to Marten, and Claire responds - the trust is sweet, but... Marten's phone is pink? I mean, go, Marten, but it doesn't exactly match his traditional indie chic, lol


Damn, I first thought it said "goat".

Dan Curtis

Damn, I feel bad I can't remember the name of the girl in the panel with Steve.

Dan Curtis

might have been a phone case one sale. I think He's enough of a penny pincher to go with a cheaper case than a preferred color.

Chris Crowther

Somewhere there is a follow up comic with random person drunk-buying a goat.