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Joel Bateman

May's not wrong tho.

Akashimo Hakubi

One day we will need to see that masterpiece Sam would paint

Buck Caldwell

Don't let ANYONE be such a bitch to you. Take shit from no one.

Mitchell Sealy

Yeesh. Being hostile to the kid won't accomplish anything if you don't tell her what she's doing wrong. Something tells me Faye's not used to dealing with subordinates in general. Let alone kids. Hopefully she'll go to Dora for advice before this gets too out of hand. Dora has lots of experience being in charge and I'm sure she'd entirely eager to help Faye out as a newbie.


I waaaaaaaaant to see that painting...

Tim Williams

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artemisia_Gentileschi ya learn something new every so often

Michael Boettger

From the look on Sam's face, she did get the message that Faye is not happy. Hopefully she'll think about recent events and have a heart to heart with Faye and Bubbles. And what's a "Gentileschii" anyway.

Michael Boettger

Oh, renaissance woman artist. A rather high note slam. As an art student, Faye would know about her.

Daryl Sawyer

I think the problem is that Faye doesn't think she has a valid reason to be upset. She's insecure about how her business is doing, knows full well Sam's busy with her own, apparently more successful business (and she keeps android foot traffic moving through her shop), and so instead of saying to her, "Hey Sam, I appreciate you're busy with productive work, but maybe don't try to boss the boss around, k?", she just kind of mopes and acts like a bitch.


I have a feeling that Faye would behead pintsize by hitting his head like a golf ball with a sledgehammer.


Apparently, it's what you call a girl in the same circumstance as you would call a guy "Picasso" or "Michelangelo".


Faye may not have meant to, and Sam may not realize it, but calling her "Gentileschi" is actually quite a compliment.


I love how Faye doesn't greet May with "what's up" or just "hi, May" - but just <i>knows</i> that something is wrong with her body.

Michael Boettger

What might Faye come across when she examines the hip socket?

Dylan T



OMG YES!!!!! I want to see that as at least a bonus comic!!!!!! Pretty please!!!!


oh Christ Faye she’s fourteen, she is not an adult! YOU CANT TREAT HER LIKE ONNNNNNNNE

Summer Sudbrink

I would say Gentileschi is not a valid comparison, but hey, if it ain’t Baroque, don’t fix it.

Summer Sudbrink

Honestly though, given Jeph’s dog, I thought he would have gone for something more bow-house.

Summer Sudbrink

And don’t get me started on the Roko-co possibilities.


unless it was a reference to Gentileschi's unfortunate encounter with thumbscrews


May is helping


Faye-tle complications?


Clearly, Buck lacks parents, older siblings, and Robotic Overlords.

Summer Sudbrink

A photo quality defeat of awkwardness would be sir realism.

Summer Sudbrink

Faye between Bubbles and Marigold would be a Ruben.

Summer Sudbrink

Ah good, that last one seems to have unstuck my brain. Or at least shifted focus.


Huh. Sure, Faye has some attitude here, but if Sam has paying customers waiting for her attention, they do come first. She needs to finish the jobs on her plate before asking to help with anything else, however interesting.

Brooks Moses

Well, with what Faye's body language implies about her tone of voice in the first panel, I figure that's a pretty good clue.

Brooks Moses

I know Bubbles is pretty wry, but is Marigold, really? And does that make Faye the corned beef or the sauerkraut?


I think that pretty much hits my reactions on it. Sam's been acting kinda bratty, But Faye's responding in kind instead of actually dealing with it. Hopefully May can be a blunt enough instrument for the two of them to notice what's going on.

Nicholas Ruff

Not that this is the appropriate place to say this, but I feel like if Sam is starting to operate a legit business then Faye should probably start charging her a portion of the rent.


She already is charging her a quarter of what she makes.


I really hope there's no residue in that hip socket.

Captain Button

Sorry, I am going to turn the hose on you for that pun. Store rules. https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=2252


Sam is working free and and paying them 1/4 of her take, more than fair.


I reeeally hope this storyline ends with Faye realizing that Sam learned her workplace manners from watching Faye.

Sleepy John

Don't you want to see the look on Faye's face when she realizes what's on her hands? Or the look on Bubbles' as she tries to not-explain it to Sam?

Sleepy John

Interns don't learn a whole lot from being told to piss off.


Not entirely true. As someone mentioned above, if Sam indeed has customers waiting, she does need to tend to them first, even if fixing a dislocated hip is more interesting. But yes, Faye should be using this as a teaching moment, and explaining that to Sam, instead of just telling her to get back to work.


When I was a teenager, hearing "Pants off, on the table" might have gotten me to run in and check out what was going on, too. :)

Churchill (formerly TeaBear)

Well, dammit. I studied Art History at school, I know that Judith &amp; Holofernes painting *very* well, and I still couldn't think of who she was. :(

Danya Michael

I just like that Faye's artist of choice is directly linked to beheading.

Tim Williams

I can just see Faye rhetorically asking 'how did you fuck up this socket?" and getting an unexpected answer

Some Ed

People are complicated. She's both. Have you not seen her guns, or heard her sass?

Creepy Cat Lady

"Hip keeps popping out of its socket." I can't tell you how many times I've heard my kiddo say that (EDS mom here). :'(


Pretty sophisticated readership, here, when no one bothers to even mention the Gentileschi (1593 - 1656) reference. First female artist admitted into the Accademia di Arte del Disegno in Florence. That's reachin' back Jeph!