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woob woob




Sam, please


Pay via Bubbles had me in stitches

Matt Grayson

Been there. Done that.


Wait...is this implying that you can fistbump-to-pay in the QC world?


Time for me to get transdermal implants; because paying with a fistbump is the coolest thing ever

Samantha Yeaman

Paying via Boop-Pay is the best payment.


lol that’s a dope way to pay


Where's the emu though?


We need a "BUTTS (woob woob woob)" shirt.




Playing with Butt Implants gives Sam Great Big Anime Eyes! 8D

Jim Feldman

So why does he have to wait for her? He doesn't have her "cell" ID? He can't find his own way back to the lab?

Mitchell Sealy

I wonder if they have any accommodations for if an AI like Beepatrice wants to pay analogue?

Joel Bateman

So wait. Is the fist bump like tapping your card? Is Bubbles also a card reader? I mean, I'm sure she's capable of it. JEPH PLEASE I GOTTA KNOW.


I’m now thinking of Baymax’s fistbumps. bulalalallala.


I really love that she thought it was a nice shop! Bubbles and Faye are doing such a good job! <3

Michael Boettger

Faye, remember to relieve Sam of the butt implant before she leaves today. I don't think Jim would appreciate a bunch of fake butts laying around the house.

Gary Walker

Of course they have NFC fist bumps.

Gary Walker

Given the silicone decor items Veronica has displayed in the past, they might represent a step closer to his comfort zone. https://questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=2949

Grace Kieser

It requires a Bluetooth implant with NFC antenna, but Clinton has a whole hand, a few subcutaneous wires and a small battery wouldn't be that hard to install!


Wait. The butt implants haven't arrived yet. What is Sam playing with!?!?! I predict juggling.


Faye is getting good at that whole beside-manner thing.


Dangit, from now on I will obsessively stare at the background of each QC strip just in case Jeph adds a hidden stealth emu in a gif animation just for a gag.


"How was work today, Sam? Did they let you use power tools?" "I TOUCHED a BUTT!!!" "...eh, I never told them anything about that. Fair enough."


I'm calling it. He'll wait a few dozen/hundred strips, maybe even years later. Maybe even break 8-Bit Theater's record for longest Brick Joke. 10 years, 1200 strips or so I think it was.

Ariel Rosenfeld

If its like today's tech its an NFC tag of some sort, there are some current examples of humans embedding those tags into their body, so having a tag is easy and a reader in an android shouldn't be so hard


They no longer accept swipe-only cards, after Pintsize tried to swipe Bubble's butt.

Dean Reilly

Because leaving an injured friend to make their own way home is kind of a shitty thing to do?


Sam's giggly grin is the best!


The other primates don't have butts. That is, they have rear ends, and as with most animals, the rear end is as social as the face. (https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0165357) They have little, tiny scrawny rear ends, though. This is partly because they aren't bipedal, and so don't need such big gluteal muscles, but also because they don't carry any fat back there. They have no butt cheeks. Hardly any animals do. It's not clear why we do. Maybe it is because women have to nurse babies so long, and so need extra fat. In The Descent of Women, Elaine Morgan argues that we are fatter than other primates because we evolved as beachcombers, were in and out of the sea all the time, and needed to float well. The big butt would be because the hips are heaviest and needed most added buoyancy. The problem is that there will never be any physical evidence for Morgan's theories, since beaches destroy fossils and artifacts rather than preserving them. Our enormous butts are a scientific mystery. Remember, therefore, that when your dog or cat looks at you, they are thinking "Woob wubble hehehehue huheheuhe."


fist bump pay system >>>>>>> apple card


Nice boops.


I need to be able to pay by fist bump.


I want POS terminals to go "Boop" w when I talk.


Three months later, we go back to the shop and Moustache Dude is still sitting there.


As a human with no more butt than god gave yer average frog, I sympathize. Also, Greenie's super cute. I imagine her hair smells like mint.