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So a malevolent genocidal AI is now canonically something that has happened in the QC universe? Or is Hanners just being hyperbolic?


I'll take as many Dune references as I can get, even if they're only in the titles 🙂

Mitchell Sealy

She thinks very poorly of Winslow if she thinks a few laidback days will turn him into a malevolent AI bent on eradicating organic life. I think that would make Winslow very sad, because it's precisely those sorts of myths Companion AI's are supposed to dispel. After all their time together he never got through to her.


aw baby :(

Joseph Houk

I have a theory: Alice Grove is the alternate QC universe where Hannelore either never was born or died at an early age.

Ted Van Roekel

I'm with Winslow. Hanners, much as I love her, needs to give the boy some space.

Michael Boettger

Winslow is exhibiting some behavioral issues, isn't he? He just wasn't ready for Hanner's journey and it really put a whammy on him. He might have been one of the early AnthroPC models and his software just isn't up to the challenges he faces now.


Which, I think, doesn't necessarily say good things about Hanners right now. She got about 50% of the way past the "rich white girl things" but somehow neglected one of the people who's been closest to her. And now I fear she'll go all the other way and try to push Winslow harder than he's ready for.

Andrea Andrew

Hanne taking charge! Awesome! Pretty soon, she’ll be running the place.


I think you're taking Hanners too literal. I'm sure what she meant is that Dora's attitude isn't very productive and tried to provide any example. Not to draw a realistic comparison.

drone r0m-3

"I'm sure it will be fine" is also how we get ants.


god the faces are so good lately! Several thumbs up!


At first I read "she'll be ruining the place" and given her family history that might not be wrong...


Na, Winslow totally needs to be left alone for a few days. From the sounds of it he didn't have the best of times on their trip, so it's normal for people to want to get back into their routine of comfort where they have some control. Especially since it seems like Winslow didn't have much control over the trip. Long story short, no Hannelore, SERIOUSLY, leave him be for a few days to enjoy being home again.


I rather like this new art style, I've been finding their faces to be significantly more expressive. I've caught myself constantly looking at them back and forth the first few days of the change


alice is hannelore after a whole bunch more revelations


Yeah. It doesn't sound like she really noticed how bad of a time he was having. Hell most people without OCD/anxiety wouldn't want to do some of those things.


Hanners has a REALLY scary mom face in the last panel, thanks to new style, well done!


Hannelore had to be stern with the yaks when they gave her guff

Joseph Bonnar

Scary MomFace is scary, Jeph. :)


Winslow just doesn't want to be pigeonholed.


That is more of Pintsize's problem. https://questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3768

Chris Gallaty

AIs don't 'decompress' they 'defrag', but the result is very similar.

Joseph Bonnar

Scary Momface is now the name of my White Zombie tribute band...


Dora may have been a little too flippant, but her core premise is correct. Even if Winslow ends up needing additional help to get over their adventure, he needs some time to decompress.

Sleepy John

She’s dragged the poor gizmo all over the world, he’s literally been physically invaded, and NOW she’s worried about him?


anime instead of birds, but yeah, Winslow


Eh, if it's a couple of days, I agree with Dora. Now, if it goes into an extended period of time, weeks, months, so that it seems like a break from usual behavior, rather than just, well, a break, that's a possible concern, so I would agree with Hanners in that case. But either way, give it a couple of days.


Scary, Scarry, Skinny, and Scurvy Momface, respectively singer, bass player, guitarist, and drummer of Momface.


This "new and improved" Hannelore has a way of weirding me out. A little. Well, more than a little.

Bill Hall

Yep, somewhere in the near future, Hanners is going to be looking in a reflection and thinking about heredity ...

David Howe

So, she is still on schedule to release the virus then?

Daryl Sawyer

Thing is, this isn't a break from his usual behavior. Going out and doing stuff was brand new behavior for him, and he was dragged from that into Hannelore's worldwide tour of personal self-discovery. His *regular* behavior (before he got his new body) was sitting around at home or goofing off with Pintsize. Now he's too big to properly goof off with Pintsize, and the fact that he now has opposable thumbs apparently means he's not allowed to goof off at home, any more.

Daryl Sawyer

If this were a different kind of story, this could be the beginning of the end for Hannelore, as the "new and improved" Hannelore realizes that she actually is "better" than everyone else, and fucks off to associate with her "equals". While at the same time nursing an everlasting hatred of her mother rather than actually admitting her mother was "right" and she was "wrong".