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Cody Renton

Hanners has been gone for months? Based on the general timescale of this comic, I assumed she'd only been gone for like twenty minutes


I mean in Claire's defense, I don't think she's really been shown to be particularly close to Hanners. I could be misremembering though.

Andrea Andrew

I think Claire probably still feels like everyone is Marten’s friends, and she’s still mostly the girlfriend who hangs with them because of him. I could be wrong though.

drone r0m-3

Plot Twist: Hannelore knows the dog.

Joseph Bonnar

Of course. The dog is FLOOFY!

Summer Sudbrink

Cosmo wants to meet Hanners and sniff interesting yak scents.


i mean its a tough call


I can’t imagine Marten listening to Carly Rae Jepsen, He was such a metal fan! Jeph, explain me this, or call me maybe


It kinda looks like Hanners is doing a welcome back tour, so bring her there to see the dog.

Joseph Bonnar

But what does Cosmo want to do? At a guess, Jeph, it would involve... LIVER TREATS!

Grace Kieser

That shirt is a missed opportunity! It coulda been Carly Rae Jephson!

Dylan T

I too would avoid socializing for cosmo

Brent Catherman

I don’t know why Claire would be so reluctant. She’s had more friction with Faye, but she still lives in the same apartment.

Some Ed

She's been shown being various places and doing various unexpected things. Even if she was jet-setting, it's been at least a day, because it's currently daytime if I'm not mistaken, it was daytime when she left, and it was daytime where there's a yak farm. And I think she mentioned being in Tibet at the time.


Why „oh shit“?


I kind of want Hannelore to call Martin a monster for making Claire leave the dog to come see her

William Burns

Borzoi facts. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J831a2X9uT4