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and they're all named Tabitha




Hanners is back ♥️ that party is happening


Hi jeph! Love the content , notice me senpai!

Samantha Yeaman

Oh god, I just had the sudden fear; what if I start out-ageing Marten and pals due to the inconsistent flow of time in QC? When I first started reading I wasn't even in my 20s yet. Now I'm almost caught up to him. Jeph, you're giving me an existential crisis.

Frank Morris

This is good civilization.


Haha I just had the same thought except it was, holy crap I started reading this in high school and now I am 30....

Matt Grayson

Stabitha? What about Stabitha?

Michael Boettger

Well, something quiet and restrained for a welcome back. Introduce her to the new characters and anything else she might have missed.


I'm a fucked up twentysomething in my thirtysomethings

Joel Bateman

I still can't picture Hanners swearing. I mean, it's funny, but she is so precious.

Michael Boettger

And Hanners isn't really a fucked up 20-something. More of a science experiment gone a bit off.


"Time to add 11 characters." Nine of them are personas of Spookybot. One is a persona of Spookybot with the most AMAZING rack and back end job... And one is Pear (Melon's sister, think "genteel Southern lawyer aunt on LSD.")


Since we're all thinking it...now that Hanners can handle human contact, who will she have her eye on for a significant other?




Hanners x Pintsize

Kriss Pang



Break out the Arbor Day banner! Everyone needs to welcome this beautiful child home


I laughed at the "Good Advice" on the menu board


This does seem to imply that Dora has hit the big 3-0.

drone r0m-3

When this comic started I was a fucked up twenty-something. Now I'm a fucked up forty-something.


As a Tabetha, I beg you. Don't do it. Please.


"Yeah, but you're OUR fucked-up twentysomething"


...oh good lord, I've been reading this comic since *I* was a fucked-up twentysomething.


Heh, the moment Dora learns that Hannelore is now OK with physical contact she starts getting touchy-feely. Why am I not surprised?


I'd guess Hanners is okay with -some- physical contact... likely she has a "quota" in the same way that introverts can only tolerate so much human interaction before they have to retreat and "recharge".


I am at a loss for words at how excited I am to see Hannelore back. I just can't hold in all the squee I have.


We need Biff, muffy and Tad to complete the collection of fucked-up trust-fund kids

Some Ed

Who happens to be 20-something... and a bit fucked up, supposedly as a result. (Given the evidence of how the others have been doing, I'm not sure I buy that. I think she'd be a bit messed up even without the science.)

Churchill (formerly TeaBear)

"You're All Individuals!" "YES! WE ARE ALL INDIVIDUALS!" /small voice at the back/ "I'm not."


As a fucked up thirty-something, I’m having trouble with this page.


Well, she was 26 pretty early in the series, and it isn't too farfetched that four years (or more) have passed in comic time since then. I don't remember the exact number, but Dora tells Faye to "stop humming "Mrs. Robinson", I'm only twentysix!"


67. Out of my yard, kids! 😂🤗


Also I am really pleased to have Hannelore back. She was always my favorite, but I'm not supposed to say so... I love all of them! 🤗👍


So how long has she actually been away? In real time that is

Jason Zions

Why does Dora have such a hate-on for affogato that it gets an underlined NO on the price list?

Daryl Sawyer

It's weird. This comic has been running for so long, I could have swore at least a few of them had reached thirty. :p

Daryl Sawyer

There needs to be a welcome back party, mostly because those are my favorite stories. :p


Hannelore's experience of shoveling poop will come in handy for cleaning out the cave of forty asses


...I'm older than any of the QC main characters. I didn't need to know that.


That's making some big assumptions about the passage of time


I stopped counting at 24, therefore I'm still a fucked-up twentysomething. Instead of a fucked-up *mumble*something.


Recently turned 20, soo it's starting for me


Time to bring back Raven, Penelope, and Cosette?

Kerin Schiesser

I want to know what the not-a-super-heroine pizza lady is up to. She deserves a happy story, maybe a meet-cute with another local superhero? :D LOL


Around 30 years ago, I worked with an Improve group in Miami that was successful enough that we had our own theater (actually, a series of 3 of them over the years). The first one, a little before my time, was situated above a towing company office, and ever so slightly infested with scorpions (a fact that was kept from the audience, so as not to bum them out (or make them not want to risk their lives for a few yuks). To this day, we refer to that early period in the group's history as "Mental Floss, at the prestigious Tow Truck Theater, now with scorpions." Not strictly relevant, it's just my free-association with the idea of living with unwanted scorpions. (No scorpions or humans were harmed in the making of the show. Well, actually, lots of scorpions were murdered with extreme prejudice, but our audiences were fine. We killed, but not literally.) I'll show myself out now.