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That is exactly how that works.


Is this the first time we've seen Dora in Full Witch Mode?


This wedding is gonna be so cool 😂💕


Not only can you use the master's tools to destroy the master's house, the master will sell them to you in a wide variety of sizes and colors.

Grace Kieser

Bridal Grimoire: For all your Eldritch wedding needs!

Michael Boettger

Oh good lord. Tai as Bridezilla. No. Just no. And we saw her trying to preform a blood ritual on Marten to up Claire's finals performance..so there's that.


You know what? Now, I want to see them do something so OVER THE TOP feminine for their wedding that everybody spends the whole thing going "What the f...?".

Captain Button

She is using her Witch Feat to add +2 to her Will Save against demonic influence. Tai has obviously blown the roll.

Joel Bateman

I'm rather curious about that article...

William Cole

Maybe Dora can be her own flower girl (finally).


Cthulu gets to officiate the wedding

Peter McDevitt

Go to a courthouse, say the words, sign some papers, then have a bigass cake. saves you like 20 grand.


bridal grimoire i love it

Philip D Jones

But if you plan it right it can be 20 grand worth of fun. Hint: Do Not let the parents get involved. It is YOUR wedding. They had their chance.

Thomas Reiske

Depends on the parents i suppose. My parents got to invite a few people they wanted (4) and I got an open bar at my wedding.

Mitchell Sealy

She's allowed to have thoughts on what kind of wedding night she wants without it making her a "Bridezilla". She doesn't seem to be making unreasonable demands or anything here. She just wants to spend like a singular moment figuring out what they're doing in the wedding department.

Andrea Andrew

Hey, remember the last time we saw Dora and Tai? No? Me neither. Almost like the Androids took over the story (nothing wrong with that). Good to see them again.


I wanted my wedding to be a pro wrestling show + karaoke concert for the guests. I *DID* get to attend a karaoke concert wedding at least four months later


“Bridal Grimoire” sounds perfect for Dora


I would totally buy a D&D book called the "Eldritch Periodical of *insert magical discipline here* "


Eldritch Fire ... hmmm ... I'll bet that's what powers the roaster down at ye olde Coffee of Doom ...

Grace Kieser

That sounds like my brother's wedding, but they didn't have cake. Instead they had a TON of beer, like, 16 courses worth of food, and all of Scandinavia partying with them! (they had it on the summer solstice)


They have a 6 page spread on dresses called the Mountains of Matrons. The fashions shown aren't really for the younger crowd, naturally, since it's more an elder thing.


What’s the Eldritch equivalent of a wedding planner.... Matrimancer?

Matthew Foweraker

Rule 1 for wedding planning. Tell as few people as possible that its for a wedding. Telling them that adds at least 50% to the price.


It's been... A month or two? They were engaged very recently.

Nicki Faulk

Dammit I want ritual fires at my next wedding! :D ♥


I mean... it's Dora. The colors are obviously black and more black.


When did they start dressing like clones?

David Pipes

If you're not sacrificing at least 50 goats to the Stone God, you're not even trying...


"What's the point of being gay if dating someone doesn't double the size of your wardrobe?" - words of wisdom from my old college roommate.


bridal grimoire, heh

Michael Boettger

If you sacrifice lambs instead of goats, you have your entree taken care of

Peter Jensen

No need for a replacement there, goat is at least as tasty as lamb.

Comics Ladybird

Not only does this close about a month of seeing only robot characters speech bubbles (notwithstanding Yay’s, which don’t look like the others), this also closes a longer sequence where Claire’s tests segued to the necessity of having the relationship and potential moving talk between Marten, Dora and Tai, which segued into the proposal between the latter two, which segued into the bar invitation crisis between Faye and Bubbles, which segued into Sven… meeting May, which segued into Momo et al noticing her coming home late, which segued into Momo questioning her at work and being upset with May, which segued into Momo channeling Jojo and into Roko taking up May as her first customer, which segued into this latest sequence between Roko and Yay. Pfew!


these are the strangest looking robots I've seen in this strip so far ...


I actually read this one aloud to my wife -- our daughter got married last fall, and this whole conversation really reminds us both of her.


yeah but by all appearances they're still pretty gay so we're still good here


"ugh, why did they choose such bland skin colors"

Dean Reilly

Page 76 is an ad for Ritual Fires by Melon, all sizes, colors and blast radii.


Hannelore is back. Can Station be the wedding planner?