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spookybot! yay!

Joel Bateman

I knew Spookybot would return! Now, can we also get an update on Hanners? I miss her terribly.


I don't know what to say, other than ffs I love Roko's attitude.


Is this comic kind of sepia-toned, or is my eyesight just getting worse? (I mean, it might just be me.)

Matt Grayson

They’re getting along!

Michael Boettger

We all knew spooky was going to show up eventually. Unless they were the unseen mover all along.

Kinda Squirrely

Scuttling is a hell of a visual


no it's very sepia toned even on my very bright gaming screen :D


Who is imitating whose red cat's eyes?

Matt Grayson

Now Roko, ask yourself this: would you have made that same request of Hanners? I think you’d have considered it highly inappropriate.


I am extremely compelled and entranced by Roko's efforts to define and refine her ideas about personal ethics and how they mesh with the reality of a frequently unjust world.


Roko's neck line vent thingy isn't present in panels 3 and 5. It's bugging me. Also SPOOKYBOT! You could blackmail the parole officer into approving that new body!


I would prefer that Roko asked to boop the nose of Spookybutt’s greyhounds. But then I realized Roko hadn’t met their pets yet. And yes, I did say “Spookybutt” on purpose.

Akashimo Hakubi

Could help AIs in need by blackmailing and what not, all the crooks for the funds/resources.


I know that Spookybot doesn't have a gender, but is it just me or does Spookybot seem more feminine here than in the past?


is it 'scuttling up to Roko' or more like 'sidling up to Roko' - I was thinking the latter.


The parole office doesn't have the authority to approve a new body.

Erin Moriarty

I need more Spookybot in my life

Etienne M.J. Dubourg

Actually, I think that it's been canonically established that "Spookibutt" is already someone else (it's a nickname that Fay has used on Dore, more than once, I believe). Unless Dora and Spookybot are the same person ???


Come on, tell me May wouldn't *love* to have a chassis stolen for her by Spookybot. They could probably even make her a fighter jet.


Why is it pink?

Josh Dick

I think Spookybot has several bodies but I might be remembering incorrectly.


No she wouldn't because she's way too afraid of violating her parole



drone r0m-3

Spookybot blackmailing a bank president in to offering zero-interest loans for robots would be using their resources.


colour palette all funky on this one

Sleepy John

Spookybot doing business as ChassisLoans dot com, call 1-877-NEW-BUTT


Jeph I swear you keep this up I'm gonna have a crush on spookybot too


It seems Spookybot does nothing unless there's shenanigans involved, at least to some extent.


This is going to be an interesting test for spookybot. Will they rise to the challenge and provide <b>legitimate</b> services that actually help?


That's what I was thinking. Roko didn't specify <i>what</i> resources they should use. The money could be someone else's, and Spookybot could do the espionage and blackmail (not necessarily even needing any outright theft).

Shawn K. Younkin

Noogie her butt until you get that body for May!!


Me when I offer to help but my friends want to be all goody goody.


In the two bottom panels (not LAST panels), the seam at the base of Roko's neck keeps disappearing...

Joseph Bonnar

I will take help like that offered by Spookybot over a no interest loan any day of the week and three times on Sundays! I LIKE espionage. :)

Joseph Bonnar

And today being Cliffhanger day, my thoughts on next weeks arc: May helps Momo get to bed... With Elliot. Pintsize is seen, eating birdseed, next to Steve, who is eating cereal. And Hanners will return, tanned, healthy, and now dating Droid 06.

Drew Teter

Spookybot's probably the only being that could afford to risk zero interest loans. You try to skip out on the tab... they know where you are. They ALWAYS know where you are.

Dahlia Rose Israel

I REALLY want Roko and Spookybot to be together. I mean Spooky has to like Roko as more then just a friend if they're so willing to change the whole way they've operated in the world for so long just to spend time with her. I hope anyway, I just ship it so hard :D


I have no 'ship here (not that such is a surprise). I really like the character development/writing of this one though. It will be interesting to see where (if anywhere) Jeph is taking this (e.g., what if Spookybot, on a lark, decides to do just what Roko asked--and maybe asks if Roko wants to run it)?

Dahlia Rose Israel

Oh, imagine if this is like, it's the same Spookybot body everytime Roko sees them, and this Spookybot is somehow different from the rest of the hive mind in the sense that they feel something for Roko that the others just don't and maybe it leads to a whole, you are defective type plot line resulting in them somehow being detatched from the rest of the spookybot hivemind. It would certainly help to avoid any dr manhatten type romance situations would they and Roko ever to get together.;


At least that smug fuck doesn't have matching outfits.


Spookybot has the Bruce Wayne attitude to solving social issues


Yay, Spookybot!


More than that, they always know where your MONEY is. And how to take it.


i fucking love every appearance of spookybot


I really love how Roko deals with spookybot. If they are friends, that means mutual respect of boundaries. Roko holds herself to those standards and demands the same from Spopokybot.


I just realised. Spookybot has an organic speech bubble compared to the normal AI box

Dylan T

These two are an odd pairing but it works so well

Dean Reilly

Beepatrice already bought all of the 'Beep Boop' shirts in stock locally.


So, this suggests that Spookybot did not yet do anything in favour of Roko. Which is really good.

Some Ed

Of it suggests that Spookybot is trying to get plausible deniability for having already acted...

Matt Grayson

Note: Spookybot says “trying” to adhere. Not “succeeding “.


To be fair, nothing is stopping them from using the methods they mention to *fund* the zero-interest loans for AIs in need.


hmm why is spookybot speech round?

Philip D Jones

I never noticed the red eyes before. And it appears Roko also has red eyes in this strip. I need to check

Philip D Jones

Checking back a non-exhaustive search turns up ALL the AIs have red eyes EXCEPT May. Usually her eyes are blue or purple. So are AIs with blue eyes prone to sociopathy. I realize we can’t conclude anything from a sample size of one. Does anyone with more in-depth knowledge of the QC universe have light to shed on this.


It seems that all the humanoid AIs' eyes match their hair. Momo's eyes are magenta, like her hair. But back in #2250 when Emily discovered that poking Momo's navel changed her hair colour, her eye colour also changed. So when her hair was purple, so were her eyes. Winslow's eyes are pink to match his pink hair. Bubbles', Roko's, and May's eyes also match their hair. Spookybot is the exception to the rule.


I was thinking more along the lines of Lex Luthor - using less-than-exemplary methods to fund their philanthropic endeavors.


Spooks has the prettiest eyes, I love her character design

Joseph Bonnar

I could give you the whole long theory about why I believe that Spookybot has round speech bubbles, but lets be both brief and honest. Their speech bubbles are round because that's what Jeph wants.

Joseph Bonnar

Every once in a while I go back into the comic and reread things, just to see if I pick up something new. Comic 3409, panel 1. Is Pintsize reading Erika Moen's Oh Joy Sex toy? https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3409


am I missing something? why is there a red tint to this entire strip?

Aqua Allison

I'm sure it's been said but, god that's unnerving that Spookybot has a regular circle for text instead of a box. It implies SO MANY POSSIBLE REASONS for why that is, but is currently left to the imagination.


I think it's a Roko tint, it's the same color pallette as her skin and hair. Or a rose-colored tint-- Roko is happily walking along in the first panel.


I just went and did a rifle through all the old strips to the current. It wasn't always consistent, but for the last, say, several hundred strips, it has been: robots have rectangular text boxes, and humans have round ones. I'd never really noticed it. Jeph: I assume this is an artistic choice you made somewhere along the way, which is nicely subtle and now, like Aqua, I'm really intrigued by the implications of this. Hmmmmm.

Matt Grayson

There is one example where Faye starts imitating Bubbles - the bubble is round on top and square on the bottom.


I....what...that's certainly some weird implications. Quite fitting for the character though.