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Hellfire ass




She still hasn’t let go of her Fighter-Jet dreams


Gods damn it. I ship it. WHY DO I SHIP IT.

Kyle Major

They have a fun vibe


Uh, probably because you're USPS: If it fits, you ships. For the record - hard same over here. They're cute. It's not a long-term thing I think but f it, they had a good time.

J.M. Hall

L*ckheed-Martin: The assholes for *YOU*!


Earning the rights to "Lockheed-Martin my ass!" :-)


They're gonna smash again.


Butt tattoos for everyone! Dora already has a flaming butt.


I love them as bros with bone-efits.


It's like they were made for each other


I didn't even know I wanted this little hookup mini-arc until the Jeph provided


To be clear, I wanted it very much, I just didn't know I did

Andrea Andrew

I see this developing beyond a one night stand, but May still has a way to grow, which considering her amazing development, says a lot. Sven has a lot of growing up to do as well.


"I don't need anything else right now and I want to be left alone." "All right, I'll leave you alone." THAT'S THE STUFF, Sven. Well done


They should both just get sprays. Though I suspect Sam may become curious.

Captain Button

I'd say that would be something for Sam to expand into, but I doubt her dad would sign off on it.


She would be pretty miffed if Sven got one too


Also, May feeling the need to clarify that she won't steal anything is so sad. That whole former convict thing weighs on her.

Aeryn Monet

I'd become curious too if a grown man came up to me at school all, "hey, here's a sharpie, I need you to write this girl's name on my dangle. Impact font, if you please,"

Dylan T

I HIGHLY doubt this is the last they've seen of each other


They belong together.


I ship it


On a completely (well, mostly) unrelated note, my Coffee of Doom coffee mug arrived in the mail yesterday! Now I just need something fitting for its virgin cup of coffee.


Wait, Lockheed-Martin? On her ass? The ONLY appropriate department would be the Skunkworks


I was like “why would he want to sign people’s butts?”. Sigh.


The only coffee shop around here is a Starbucks, and I wouldn't desecrate the mug like that.


Welp, that’s totally clear. That’s completely over and we’ll never hear about it again.


I have waited all weekend for this page, goddamn if it wasn't worth it!

Thomas Boys

You know, if May does achieve her goals in life, Sven will be able to say "I fucked a fighter jet."


I’d get the tattoo if I were him, he will never be with anyone as weird as May ever again


Sex with someone with a detachable ass promises to be memorable.

Joseph Bonnar

Dear GOD. Those two are a match made in... Somewhere. Not Heaven, I'm sure. Possibly the mountains of Kadath.. :)


That really seedy motel in the dock district?


I wonder when we'll get poor Momo's reaction to this occurrence!

Matt Grayson

She'll look like the Emperor at the end of The Empire Strikes Back. Her electric discharge will short out every powered device within 50 yards. May will look like Corpse Witch being interrogated by Spookybot. Bubbles, half a mile away will look up and think "Weird. I haven't felt one of those since military training."

A sheep

"It only did it for the laughs, you b-baka. It's not like I came or anything."

dizzy ditzy

These two play off one another surprisingly well. Not sure if I ship em, but j definitely want to see them hang out more

Captain Button

Having someone's ass fall off while I am banging them would scare the hell out of me. She needs a warning spray about that.


I thought it was Melon who had the detachable butt and May who lost her arm?

Joseph Bonnar

H. P. Lovecraft. It's the mountains where the Old Gods hang out with the Shoggoths.


Agreed. Although we're still hanging on the Brun - Clinton - Elliott trifecta, or the Elliott - Roko ship. I'm tempted to stay away and buy the book next year. The suspense is killing me.


There is a fair to middling chance that this was May losing her virginity. She hasn't been embodied long, and her social life has been restricted. If so, she may be playing tougher and cooler than she actually feels. This is not to say that she is going to fall all over Sven, but she may have feelings we haven't seen yet. I wonder if she can talk about her feelings with anyone.


From her personality, I suspect May lost her virginity long before she went to robot jail. This might be her first time in this body, and with the name "May", but I'd be very surprised if it was her first time ever.


She rerouted $750 million into a Swiss bank account. I am pretty sure you have to be an accounting program to be able to do that.


Only an accounting program could gain unauthorized access to financial accounts? Hello, it's <i>unauthorized</i>. It's something you're <i>not</i> supposed to be able to do, so why would only an accounting AI be able to pull it off? And why would being an accountant preclude her from losing her virginity? Accountants may tend to be nerds, but they can still have sex.


May actually became her name when she was first the weird cyber ai thing. He named her "may" because she was dressed as a maid


That's why I said this was probably her first time with the name "May". We don't know what name she had before going to jail, but it's a fair bet that it <i>wasn't</i> May.


I'm hanging out for the Brun - Clinton - Elliott - Roko quadrangle myself (remember "human abs" https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3700 ?). Polyamory doesn't seem too much of a stretch for this story.


I actually considered that. Good coffee. But it's a long drive to the nearest place I know of that sells it, and I've been too busy this weekend to get any, unfortunately.


Here's another one I considered, and it's a lot easier for me to get. Black Rifle Coffee Company Blackbeard's Delight Coffee Dark Roast Ground, 12 Ounce Bag https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07DTB7D47


Coleman Ridge said it best: "she may be playing tougher and cooler than she actually feels" -- you know, like most of us!