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i ship it <3


big mood


Two quid that there's a post-coital scene where the two of them are EXTREMELY happy with the end results. :)


Well, they each seem to have made a friend.

Matt Grayson

The weird thing is how much sense this conversation makes in context.

Cody Renton

I've been trying to remember the name of that goddamn clown for weeks, thank you Jeph


So those two passers-by are definitely some friends of Jeph's, right?


Did Sven ever have Smurf fantasies? Seems like...


May is probably being serious.

Yonatan Zunger

... Sven and May are totally going to end up dating, aren't they. Nothing could possibly go wrong with this.

David Hall

FML, I ship it

Grace Kieser

I ship it more than any of his past relationships! We all knew he and Faye were a bad idea!


What. How. Damnit, Jeph. You had to go and make this dark horse of a ship make sense........stellar as always. Thank you, Jeph.

Erin Moriarty

Maaaaaan deep pull on the Pagliacci reference

Carl Fink

Nice inclusion of Clown Nose Day, man.

Sleepy John

does she have a clown car, then?

Some Ed

This is someone who was excited to get a job jacking off animals, and her chief complaint of her current body seemed to be that her hand joints were all pinchy, making it unpleasant for anybody she tried to jack off. Of course she's serious.


Fucking, maybe. Dating's clearly out at this point, though I guess things could change.


Now you know why Walgreens has red nose day.


I totally called it. They are so going to boff

Dylan T



May Lannister still slaying dreams I see


So much sass

Thomas Halpin

I'm happy with this exchange. I'll be pleased whether they do or don't


The hat say Looby?


jeph. jeph i am fucking cackling. you made me cackle.


Great Watchmen reference!


This is going to happen, isn't it? Huh?

Dean Reilly

Please, like Sven needs to wait an hour if he wants to get his dick laughed at.

Evgeniy Semyonov

Sven Bianchi, Clown Prince of Sex... Which was already predicted, kinda: https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=1195


Anonymous lady in the final panel, you don't know as much as 10% of it!

Andrea Andrew

At this point, I think May could either end up with Sven or Winslow(if he ever comes back). I’d be down with either ship. With that said, this was a good first meeting.


i want May to be gay for Melon, but these two assholes could probably make for some fun friends.

Clifton Royston

I recently started a reread from the beginning, and Sven *definitely* looks younger now than he did on his first appearance. Of course, he's only a year older than Dora, so maybe it's all due to the attitude change.

Derrik Pates

Maybe Jeph will follow his rival Dave Willis' example and do a Slipshine?


why be gay when you can be bi?? multiplies your opportunities. they could even get all poly about it.


One time secondary her thing was to "sword swallow" while gargling lemonade. Pity "do not stick it in the crazy" is such accurate, even life preserving advice...


Just to let you know, should be “I’m a pagliaccio” Pagliacci is “clowns”. Italian for dummies pillow ends here


It's from a pretty famous joke, it was quoted by Rorschach in The Watchmen: ""Heard joke once: Man goes to doctor. Says he's depressed. Says life seems harsh and cruel. Says he feels all alone in a threatening world where what lies ahead is vague and uncertain. Doctor says, "Treatment is simple. Great clown Pagliacci is in town tonight. Go and see him. That should pick you up." Man bursts into tears. Says, "But doctor...I am Pagliacci." Good joke. Everybody laugh. Roll on snare drum. Curtains." So in this context, Pagliacci is a name. If you're going to go around the internet correcting people, you should make sure you know what they're talking about, friendo.


Thank you so much Crimson Barrel


Thanks! The things we learn by doing "research" on the Intertubes!