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that may be against fire code but i'm not a doctor


i was about to make a comment on that maybe not being the most practical outfit for handing out signal flares but then its *bubbles*

Am Queue

She might choose to change clothes before going to the bar!

Joseph Houk

"Misapprehending"? I think Bubs means "miscomprehending".

Celine Chamberlin

I had a difficult time reading the last panel because of Bubble butt. Also, I love how Bubbles gathered Faye in and held her like that.

Grace Kieser

Now *I* want a crate of flares!

Chuck Dee

No, it works. The definition of Misapprehending is to "misunderstand (words, a person, a situation, etc.)."


how long has faye been sober now in qc time ?

Kyle Major

What's the story of how she "found" them

Buck Caldwell

Do we get a comic like this one with Bubbles trying on different outfits? <a href="https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=2397" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=2397</a>


Perhaps a gastropub instead? I have several non-drinking friends who'll gladly go to one, but never to a bar. Works for me!


Ah HA! A mystery explained!


I think there was one like that some time back, NOW I shall have to search for it. I will return WITH the link, or ON it.

Mitchell Sealy

If I recall she got fired from Coffee of Doom for her alcoholism, then became a mechanic after cleaning up her act. So in that time she met Bubbles, learned a trade, became incredibly close with bubbles, started up a small business, and her business is just getting old enough to run into financial trouble now. So it's definitely been a hot minute. A lot's happened in her life since then. But because of how comic time works it's probably also deceptively short, so she doesn't feel secure in it yet. Still very much at risk of ruining this entire new life she's built if she backslides.


I want a one handed Bubbles hug.

Dracon Atrox

Don't worry Faye, the very fact that you're worried about temptation, and your first thought was "Go to my loved ones for advice and/or backup" is a great sign!


That's a great point. It helped me when I was just getting sober. I was pouring a glass of sparkling cider for myself. It's non alcoholic, but the bottle looks like a wine bottle. Out of NOWHERE this hand reached over my shoulder, grabbed the bottle, and yanked it behind me. I turned around in shock to see my sister smiling as she said, "Just checking."


I do not agree that they should be put to use.


Also, exactly WHERE did Bubbles find a whole crate of signal flares?

William Burns

<img src="https://www.overtons.com/dw/image/v2/BCJK_PRD/on/demandware.static/-/Sites-global-master-catalog/default/dw8698b2fc/images/large/315180_1.jpg"><br><a href="https://www.overtons.com/orion-25mm-alertlocate-safety-flare-kit-315180.html" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">Only about $256.49</a><br> Includes the flare gun! I love boating websites.

Churchill (formerly TeaBear)

Everybody should have a friend like Bubbles. Scratch that. I WANT to have a friend like Bubbles. :(


Can second this. Or, if my non-drinking friends are to be trusted, beer pubs (since they tend to have a-lot more non-alcoholic stuff then regular places, due to the fact that there are some stellar non-alco beers!)

drone r0m-3

As someone in recovery, I like the idea of having actual signal flares for when situations get to be too much to handle.

Dylan T

Ok but *WHERE* did she find a crate full of signal flares?


Fast-forward a year, and Bubbles really wishes she kept those flares so that she could now mark her path back out of the alien invaders' nest

Dean Reilly

Alternate plan: if Faye starts to have trouble, Bubbles can turn her back and distract her with dat ass.


she has to retrain faye after too many headbangs against chest armor



Maurice Kessler

Wouldn't robots use NFC or Apple Pay at retail establishments?


I'm almost certain Melon will trade in Hylian Rupees. And she's never even heard of Zelda...


I can hear the faint "donk" of Faye's head against Bubbles's chest, done not by accident any more, but to feel her solidity.


honestly - do you folks read?? under the box of swords, obviously. ;)


She dooooooo