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Azathoth no




Aww Melon, you're a kind person.

Andrea Andrew

I’m glad Roko is going to be okay, for now. I’m interested to see where her story goes. Also, Spookybot!


Azathoth yes.

Chris Gallaty

I had a roommate who's cat would dismember chipmunks in the yard and eat parts of them.... only to hack them up on the floor later. That was a very special cat.


I feel like every time we see Spookybot, they get even more mysterious. Like we figured that they're a hive mind, but if that's the case, why would they be talking to each other?


They talk to each other that way because it's the only intelligent conversation they can have sometimes... <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ozq7R2yd04" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ozq7R2yd04</a>

Kriss Pang

Rabies? I bet it was rabies! *I don't know /anything/ about rabies


I now have this image of Spookybot having all sorts of variations on the same body form, including personality quirks based on those forms. Dibs on naming the heavy yakuza-tatted up and the super-femme Spookybots!

Matt Grayson

They’re practicing fitting in..

Mitchell Sealy

Azathoth. So are they all named Azathoth or do they each have their own name? Sounding like they might have more individuality than we thought.

Am Queue

Can AIs promise to actually *be* ok, or can they (like most people I know) only promise to ping them if they're not ok again?

Adam Friedlander

Roko, if you don't want Spookybot to show up uninvited, try inviting them over. :D


They need to put papers down until Azathoth is dismemberment-trough-trained.

Captain Button

Eliot is Good, but is he Lawful Good, Neutral Good, or Chaotic Good?


So Spooks can talk to themself(themselves?)? This is an interesting change.


Also Melon is so sweet, this comic gave me diabetes


Poor raccoons...


Wait, don’t they live in space? D...do they import the raccoons?

Chuck Dee

Well, you have good days and bad days. You just hope that you have more good than bad in balance. At least, that's what I've found.


No, that’s Station and Tilly, the other agender character. Not Spookybot.


They were totally planning to

Jim Feldman

Speaking of Spooky, why do they have a kitchen?

Asher Rose Fox

It makes no sense whatsoever for an AI to wear what appears to be a binder when they could just get a chassis mod, but I am so purely delighted to have Spookybot(s) be my nonbinary binder-under-dress-shirt rep character that I don't even care.


She already told them not to show up uninvited - hence her comment, "they actually listened to me." If she invited them over, it would be because she <i>does</i> want them to show up.


They're good to their word. That's highly commendable.

Aqua Allison

...Is that a binder? I mean I get the no gender cuz Spookybot is a collective intelligence (hence the "we") but I figured that was just sports attire.


Does anyone else think Melon may be a larval Spookybot? Only me? OK, I'll go away now. But mark my words....


I thought it was a sports bra, but looking more closely, I think Story Hospital is right.

Mitchell Sealy

The details of Spookybot's chassis are probably a highly protected secret anyway. It sounds like they're not on good terms with whoever made them what they are, so it's quite likely there's nobody they could go to for body mods without setting some alarms off.


Honestly, the raccoon had it coming.


Raccoons ALWAYS have it coming! Cute little trash pandas my maiden aunt Fanny! I had to chase one off with a shovel once to keep it from messing with my cat...


I think the raccoon must be roadkill. It is a very rare greyhound that could take down a racoon.

Sleepy John

That was Azathoth's raccoon PLUSHIE, and all fuzzy toys with squeakers must die! (my greyhounds agree).

Summer Sudbrink

Important note: the raccoon is a plush toy. It probably squeaks.


Greyhounds are by nature prey dogs. And with their speed, I would think it would be a rare greyhound that could <i>not</i> take down a raccoon.

Creepy Cat Lady

I also wondered about binder vs. body mod, and then thought about my housemate, who wears one. Top surgery isn't something they want to do, and it's their body to make that decision. Same with Spookybot. I just wonder whether binders are as uncomfortable for AIs as they are for humans.


Maybe a little raccoon. Back when greyhounds were coursers, they coursed hares. There is a big difference between racoons and hares. Racoons get big, they are omnivores, and they can kill dogs. (<a href="https://www.dogster.com/lifestyle/dog-safety-health-raccoons-threat-to-dogs-ask-a-vet)" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.dogster.com/lifestyle/dog-safety-health-raccoons-threat-to-dogs-ask-a-vet)</a> Greyhounds have been carefully bred to be nothing but racers for a good few generations now. Granted, Azathoth is perfectly likely to be an old military bot with a new chassis. Racoons may be alien military bots with new chassis, though.


I wonder if anyone has made Spooky Bot in Sims 4. I need to check the gallery.

Ariel Rosenfeld

it makes as much sense as any other option for melon, including melon is the none hive mind version of a spookybot


Yes, greyhounds are bred to be racers. But because they are by nature prey dogs, even retired racers need to be kept on a leash when they're not in an enclosed area, otherwise they <i>will</i> go after prey. And they are considerably larger than even a large raccoon, so they would not have much trouble killing it.


I smell a ship being built. He has a hard time reaching Brun emotionally and since Clinton has an easier time having her open up and understands her more i don't see that going anywhere for him. Then Roko is emotionally unstable and is struggling to adjust, feeling body dysmorphia and Eliot is the rock she needs. They both share an interest in baking and bread and with them working together and how much she needs help and support he can give will lead to Roko developing feelings for Elliot and with Elliotd unrequited love he will turn to her the person he's been supporting and taking care or who will develop feelings as she begins to recover


Or, and I admit I am playing Devilbot's advocate here: Spookybot can cut in and wind up in the ship with Roko. And Eliot will wind up with Melon, and poor Arthur (does anybody remember him?) will be left out in the cold.

Captain Button

Maybe they just got sucked in by misdirected binder ads like the ones I got.


Me every single time this comic explores a new arc with a new set of character dynamics: this is the pinnacle of this comic, these characters are the best characters to come out of this universe, everyone else can go home now and let this just be about these ones


Melon has 2048 sisters. Perhaps they were an earlier attempt at the hive mind AI. The hive fragmented, which would explain their eccentricities.

Bruce Steinberg

I think it would be much better for Roko to have Elliot as a friend. She has a lot of hard shit to work through. Adding the complexity of romance would make it much harder for him to be a support. Also, switching one’s romantic feelings to someone one is taking care of can really creep the dynamic and end up traumatizing the person who needs care. Roko is in a vulnerable spot; she shouldn’t be a replacement for Elliot’s unrequited loves. (Which we actually don’t know are unrequited. Elliot’s really shy, Brun has a hard time reading social cues, and Clinton, while open to a relationship with a man, is probably not actively looking for one. Maybe this experience with Roko will help Elliot summons the confidence to ask one of them out.) Of course, I’m a proud passenger on the good ship Brunelliton, so definitely not a neutral observer.


I just now realized that "They" speak with human speech bubbles, not the robot square speech bubbles!!!