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Good luck on finding a two bedroom in THIS market...

Rob McBobson

I want to give Brun the mother of all hugs T_T


Oh! Squeeshed Brun in the last panel is teh cutest!


love it. BERF.

Ted Van Roekel

Flashbacks to the beginning of QC.


oh nooooo i love her


Brun is so pure and honest *berf*

Rob McBobson

Maybe this is because I'm an aspie, but Brun is the best new character to be introduced to QC in the last five years, easy. Maybe even ten years.


Oh god. I empathize with Brun. The other night, I was at a sports bar and this woman came behind me and told me in my good ear that she needed to smooth my uncontrollable hair (it’s very Cloud like) and spent 3 minutes smoothing my hair. It was very uncomfortable, but I didn’t want to tell a drunk woman to lay-off my Cloud.

Ian Wolfe

I dunno, Renee is awfully damn cute in that panel, too.

Al Hunt

Uh... there's still more to smooth... *Slap* Ow. Yeah. I get that a lot. I'll let myself out.


Berf? berf




I love that sideways look Renee does sometimes, like in panel 2. It’s full of anticipation I think?

Grace Kieser

Renee just feels all the things, doesn't she?


Holy fuck. Brun lost everything in a fire? Moved in with a friend? They're getting a 2 bedroom together? Questionable Content just lapped itself.


Brun is my f***ing spirit animal. Like, I have clips from the strip to use as reacts, in the style described by Jay Eddin. ( <a href="https://edidin.wordpress.com/2016/04/15/i-see-your-value-now-aspergers-and-the-art-of-allegory/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://edidin.wordpress.com/2016/04/15/i-see-your-value-now-aspergers-and-the-art-of-allegory/</a> )

Mitchell Sealy

It can be nice to live with somebody if you're comfortable with their company. I'm pretty comfortable living on my own but at the same time I find I start making a lot more phone calls when I do. There's some fundamental lack in an empty house that even I feel, sometimes more strongly than others.


It depends on the house size. Studio style apartments are great for the solo person. Even a one bedroom apartment may feel like it’s too big.


Please let there be a new t-shirt with an all-caps caption "BERF!!!"

Ray Cornwall

I want a BERF shirt.


Our lovely couch-surfing smurf, Decided to leave Renee's turf. Just when it bugs her, She jumps out and hugs her, Making our dear Brun go "berf".

Everett Bradshaw

This is awesome, especially if it means more Renee, because I really like her. And Brun too, of course!


aaaaaaaaa &lt;3 &lt;3 &lt;3 Brun!


Renee is such a softie :-) Also: D'AWWWWWWWW

Holly Nelson

Renee=&gt;Brun : Roko=&gt;Melon?


mfw berf


Technically it’s suppose to go “Renee : Brun :: Roko : Melon”

Andrea Andrew

That’s a nice resolution.

Asher Rose Fox

Oh, so lovely to see this. I was just thinking that I hoped they would find some way to keep living together because it seems so good for Brun.

Dylan T

Renee's heart is so big. I bet you could fit a two bedroom in there, somewhere.


I shall NOW expose Jeph's brilliant plot. By enmeshing us in the struggles and relationships of Brun and Renee, he has successfully diverted our attention from HANNELORE! EBIL! Jeph is EBIL!


the level of cuteness in the comic keeps increasing exponentially

Chris Crowther

I think I love Brun even more now.


And it has been doing that for years now. I mean, we kinda hit peak Momo back with the hair extensions (or possibly already with Marigold buying her a new chassis) and it KEEPS getting more cute. This is dangerous.




"Berf" - I love this. I really love this cast of characters, and the way you bring them to life. Keep up the great work, it's a bright spot for me every day there's a new comic.

Nicki Faulk

This comic is the highlight of my morning, EVERY. SINGLE. DAY! :) ♥


I just love all of your characters.


It was very brave of Brun to speak her heart. I wonder if she will ever figure out why Renee suddenly got all teary and changed her mind. It must be odd being Brun and being surrounded by weird, wet, hot, mercurial animals continually responding to invisible stimuli. That makes it even braver.

Manuel Schumacher

I love jeph's "berf"s. They always fit so perfectly.


This friendship is one of my favorites in QC. :3


They're BFFs: Berf Friends Forever

Jim Feldman

ok, i like where this went. (but private bathrooms)


I think this is how I ended up married.


This is so sweet! ♥️


Jeph, the demand is real: Start selling "BERF" T-shirts!


Except for the weekend cliffhangers, when you're screaming in QC withdrawal pains. I know how THAT goes...


Go Brun! It's ya berf day!