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oops he's a dick




I hope we never encounter Pedro again


we hardly knew ye, yet somehow we know you too well

Peter McDevitt

still got that harpoon? I see a giant white ass you can target.


Nobody likes Pedyr...

Matt Grayson

Polyp, whatever his name is, feed him to Phix.

Errol Lobo

Fucking Parker

Holly Nelson

Dickety-dic-dic. Not to be confused with a Dik-Dik, which is legitimately adorable and never asks where you’re from. <a href="https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dik-dik" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dik-dik</a>

Am Queue

Pancho needs to go home

Aeryn Monet

Jokes aside, how Brun reacted is pretty chill, dudes a bit of an ignorant dick but ignorance is fixable. Overreacting like Renee doesn't typically open many hearts or minds to change. Be kind and understanding with less educated sorts, not self-righteous and angry.


Sigh. It's comments like these that will encourage Jeph to make him a recurring character. But if we're lucky, he'll just be added to the "Bros!" brothers.


Wait. Could he already be one? Hmmm...


Regret over porking a pig.


Since when did internet hookups include an exclusivity clause?


It was not over reacting. It is neither Renee's nor Brun's job to 'educate' this jerk. They shouldn't have to do that emotional labor it is 100% on him. If he cares he can now go to google to find out why she was mad.


This comic made me realize how little we know about Brun's backstory. I mean she mentioned that she grew up poor but with nice parents, who both died before she turned 20. And that's really about all we know about her.


Brun is ethnically what? No way. That's just Lebanon Bologna (<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lebanon_bologna)." rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lebanon_bologna).</a>


That, and her fondness for harpoons.


He's a dick that needs punched. Can he get punched in the dick? The seems appropriately poetic.


Go, Renee!


None whatsoever between hookups. But during one? Oh, yeah, for sure.

Will Weaver

Brun is totally me.


Ah, my favorite. Dudes who ask "where are you from" as a euphemism for "what's your ethnicity" and say you are/look "exotic." And by "favorite" I mean "well, at least I'm not the target of those questions *this* time."

Dylan T

"Where are you from...no but, where are you *from*." Gross.

Magic Chopstick Games

I mean we kiinda knew that yesterday but good to have explicit confirmation on that


Farewell, Percival.


The difference being that Brun's ancestors hail from Lebanon, the <i>country</i>. Lebanon bologna is named for Lebanon <i>County</i>, Pennsylvania. It's not Lebanese.


alas, poor Poncho, we hardly knew ye


Ah yes...I always enjoy pointing out the dic-dic to my wife at the zoo. It's got the emotional maturity level of a whoopie cushion, but like the whoopie cushion, I still laugh every time.


“I can’t be racist! I fucked a black chick!”


I've met a few people like him, and my reaction is about like Renee's was. You can't fix their behavior by ignoring it or by just saying "boys will be boys" or some equivalent. They need to be called on it. Seriously, there's a line in the sand and that guy Pyotr crossed it.


In addition, how sad is it to try and hook up with the roommate of the woman you just bedded, in their apartment, in FRONT of the woman you just bedded? Renee gets points for NOT throwing HIM out of the window.


The best way I've heard this line phrased: "Soo.... what are ya?"


Good bye, Pettersson

Eric Lusby

What I'm more interested in is how a Lebanese-American young lady ended up being named Brunhilde. Were her parents opera fans?


I mean, they would not be wrong that it's an awesome name.

Chris Crowther

I feel like Renee should have defenestrated the pig, along with his shirt.


I feel like either Renee needs a more discerning eye for internet hookups, or I need a less discerning one so I actually have some on occasion...


Sounds like Renee needs a good hard.....


Literally just a dick. His only function. He's served his purpose and now he is hopefully offed to be trampled by a reindeer followed by a girl.

William Burns

Garbage pickup for Porgie.


Hi Podrick, goodbye Podrick.


Where is that butt-rocket when we need it?

Ian Wolfe

Renee's taste in men needs some serious improvement.

Timothy Mann

I think her taste was "available" but now she might add "and not a creep"


Who would name their kid after a potato based pasta? Or any kind of pasta for that matter?

Jeffrey Nonken

I've always maintained that Lebanese women are some of the most beautiful women in the world. I see nothing here to contradict that. Quite the contrary.


I'm pretty happy that we Syrophoenicians are represented in this comic! Thanks, Jeph!

Gary Walker

I don't have an opinion on the appearance of the Lebanese, but I dearly love their cuisine.