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I'm simultaneously so proud of and so angry at this comic




why would you be angry this is amazing


I love the cat face in the upper-right of the equation.


Now I wanna try Lorentz factors...


I'm currently reading through book 1 of the QC collection and I would like to request the return of Pintsize's laser. Also, today/tomorrow's comic is hilarious.

Yonatan Zunger

I love that these are actually legit equations for propagation of fermions across closed timelike curves.


Oh god, I just realized how tedious it must have been filling out that chalkboard over and over...


I wonder what she actually served him


goddamn i appreciate you and your humor, good sir.

Fart Captor

Emily is the best


Fun fact, today (4 February) is the date of the death of Hendrik Lorentz, the Danish Physicists who created the Lorentz Transformation Equations. At his funeral on 10 February 1928, telephone and telegraph services were halted for 3 minutes all over his native Holland. He has a crater on the moon named after him.


Jeph are you secretly a genius or something?

Matt Grayson

Time for Spookybot to cough politely and say “Marten will come by in 2 minutes and 43 seconds and order a mocha.”


:( I don't get it

Dylan T

...Did Emily make Spookybot?


Ummm... No. You'd need the path-integral form for that.


That’s been my theory for ages. It would explain why she’s in the area.

Chris Gallaty

Jeph just needs to send his former self a message to.... Damn it!


...could someone please explain the joke? Maybe I'm just overanalyzing it...


can we just appreciate the amount of time to write those equations four times


Easy peasy. You see the mi in the denominator of the summation? mi is always zero, which means the term evaluates to an undefined value, meaning that information can go in _any direction_. In other words, the exact opposite of what Emily is claiming.


Emily is demonstrating why Marigold's last comment from yesterday's comic wouldn't work. (had to share, 'cause it took me a moment to make the connection)


Scroll down to my reply to Jonathan Pesek's query. Also scroll up to Andrew Kunz's "fun fact".


It was a good joke and as usual the nerds missed it.


With the right software, he'd only have to draw them once, and then just manipulate them for each different view, but that's still a lot of fiddly scribbling.


I think everybody on the thread so far has missed the joke. The old-timey European guy *IS* Lorenz. He travelled in time.


... or maybe Emily brought him back from the past.


I LOVE Dora's expressions. Especially when she eyes the 'medium Lorenz factor'

Evgeniy Semyonov

It is good that it's Lorenz's birthday, and not, say, Husserl's. Otherwise they would be discussing phenomenological time and bearded German gentleman would ask for a Noemacchiato.

Dean Reilly

$4.50 is a good price for a Lorentz factor. I hope Dora isn't losing money on the deal.


Emily seems a bit extra hyper today. Did she drink espresso again?

Grace Kieser

More likely he drew it once and just used the free transform tool in Photoshop and just copy-pasted it


Heh... The more I think about it, the more I believe that Emily is this universe's Sheldon Cooper. You know, if Sheldon was actually nice. :)


Totally agree! Of course Sheldon can be nice. You are just not worthy of his best effort 😉

Summer Sudbrink

And now we know why the blackboard didn’t have anything written on it.


I thought I empathize the most with May, but today Emily took the crown.


Lorentz had a beard and didn’t speak English

Clifton Royston

I actually spent a while looking up space-time metrics, to see if there were any which would make a good pun with Keurig - sadly, it appears there are not. (Apparently that's just the kind of nerd I am.)