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Samantha Yeaman



Typo in the second panel. Whole should be while. Also awwww :)

Katrina Urmson

Oh, Melon, what a good friend you are!! 😭


Is this the real life?


That's both adorable and heartwrenching


I'm really liking this story line so far. P.s. Jeph you have whole instead of while in the second frame.


At the very least, Melon should dock herself in there with Lemon & Roko.


Melon is the most loyal friend


i never want to see melon cry again

Kyle Major

Melon is the best friend


can we talk about why an AI in an abstract space is wearing odd socks?

Mitchell Sealy

She's not wearing anything at all. Quite likely this is simply how she sees herself, or how she chooses to be seen by others.


100000 bottles of beer on the wall, 100000 bottles of beer...


"For a whole ..." what? A whole day? A whole year?

Ian Wolfe

Melon may be nuttier than a pecan orchard, but you can't fault her loyalty to her friends.


See, this is just one more reason why I love Melon!

Ian Wolfe

On a side note, I ran the math and, by my count, Melon has been singing for at least 7 hours straight.

Dean Reilly

What movie would help in Roko's situation? Probably not 'Million Dollar Baby'.


"to the tune of Bohemian Rhapsody". Jeph, you magnificent basterd ...

William Cole

Panel 6 made me literally laugh out loud on first reading. And again on re-reading a couple minutes later.


So, Melon's been there for roughly about ten and a half hours (the melody of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" takes about thirty seconds to sing and play). And probably annoying everyone enough that SOMEONE is going to make her learn some new songs. I recommend an immediate download of every Kate Bush song ever done. There's even a vinyl LP compilation out now. :)


I'm so proud of our baffling idiot robot daughter


Poor Melon


Of course he is entitled to a typo. But he is also really clever and I have missed his crafty intentions before.


Melon bawler.

Jim Feldman

Maybe she could hang with the giraffe lady on the savanah

Summer Sudbrink

Maybe they can recreate the unicorn grove? Or whatever Roko's happy place is, I'm drawing a blank now.

Dylan T

Man Roko isn't handling existentialism very well

Rob McBobson

How I... wonder what you are... Put a gun against his head, pulled the trigger; now he's dead...


Now I have TWINKLE... to Bohemian Rhapsody in my head.

Chuck Dee

What's missed is the part about to the tune of bohemian rhapsody. One would have to take into account if Melon would also change the arrangement so that Twinkle Twinkle Little Star is appropriate to the underlying composition.

Clifton Royston

Now I have Bohemian Rhapsody to the tune of Twinkle, Twinkle in my head, which seems much worse.


Count on Melon to do the stupid but endearing thing.

Denise Webber

Aww Melon. Rough around the edges, but heart of gold.


I bet there is a great story for Lemon having a purple foot and I missed it.


I think panel 2 is supposed to say "for a while". Also, Bohemian Rhapsody... damn. Totally works. O_o

Shawn K. Younkin

She is wearing mismatched socks. Most likely she had to get "dressed" quickly to go and help Roko.

Peter Jensen

<a href="https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3427" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">Yay or neigh</a>.


I literally timed myself singing it at a reasonable pace to figure out how many repetitions would be funniest


Melon has great determination to be happy and good, but no clear notion of what those states might be.

Douglas E. Smith

I hope Spookybot makes an appearance for her leggings buddy. I want to see Melon and Spookybot interact.


I wonder if there's anything salvageable from the old body to potentially graft onto a new one? Eyes, scalp and hair, face, olfactory sensors? It almost certainly wouldn't be worth the cost or effort if it weren't for Roko's psychological circumstances. It would be easy enough to fabricate a more or less identical chassis, but it could still feel foreign to her from the inside. A slightly glitchy motor driver here or an ankle with that same old hitch there might be invaluably familiar.


I just want to see where Jeph takes this... I'm still thinking about what he did with "Alice Grove"


I think he'd had enough of it by the end. It used to be one comic every week I believe. The last set of comics were released every day, the story was rushed, and the artwork, particularly the background scenery, was bland compared to earlier comics. Felt like there was a lot of buildup to a very short ending.

Matthew Foweraker

Let me see, depending on if she knows all five verses or just the one, at about 20 seconds a verse (I experimented), that's between 6.98 (call it 7) and 34.9 (call it 35) hours. Given that most people sing verse 1 and then the first two lines again, its probably about 10 1/2 hours of singing.

Erin Moriarty

And now I am crying. THANKS MELON


Friends are the best medicine.


^ that’s super important. I hope she keeps her old ankle at the very least.

Sleepy John

Why... are her virtual feet two different virtual colors?

Rudolph Gerber

UNLESS its the words stuck in the full Bohemeian Rhapsody melody which clocks at about 6 minutes (with guitar solo) which would be about 126 hours.