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Lord Crusade

I love these two so much!

Fart Captor

Oh god, Roko is telling people she barely knows about Beepatrice when they only just met IS THIS HAPPENING? :3


Okay I know the Pink Floyd reference is cool and all, but robots should know that there is no such thing as the "dark" side of the Moon. All parts of the Moon receive light at some point in time as the Moon rotates. The part of the Moon not visible from Earth is called the FAR side.


That looks like a nervous laugh in panel 1. Military secret? :)

Mitchell Sealy

Does Bubbles know that Spookybot is a hive mind, or would an ordinary AI be capable of possessing bodies around the world at will like that?

Dean Reilly

At that moment Spookybot steps out of the restroom behind them, prepares to say something, thinks better of it, and leaves unnoticed through the back.


"Hahaha, THAT'S not what we put on the dark side of the moon"


It's a perfectly valid respons to Spookybot. Greet the fudger with the level of respect they deserves.


the spookybot appearance was 54 comics ago :o <a href="https://questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3838" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3838</a>


We know from chassis changes they can transfer their consciousness, so they are not specifically hardware-bound. I see no reason to believe it couldn't work with wifi (if you are willing to take pretty horrible risks with your consciousness, that is). We have not yet seen copying outside of whatever the fudge spookybot is doing, but I see no reason why not. All the standard cloning tropes would probably apply though. Instead of one AI with multiple bodies you would have multiple robots, each with the potential to develop distinct personalities (just imagine a multiplied Pintsize, each with different language settings). To get a Spookybot level hive mind there would probably also have to be constant communication between them, or even some sort of mainframe/terminal deal. I hope we get some Station/Hanelore exposition on the subject

Andrew Armstrong

When will Marvin turn up? He can hum like Pink Floyd, you know...


"There is no dark side of the moon...in fact, it's all dark..."

Rudolph Gerber

More accurate would be "Thinks better of it and says something even more infuriating"

Carl Fink

Is that a thin chain around Bubble's neck, or a visible seam in her skin? I can see a robot cosmetician like herself leaving a visible seam as a design decision.

Philip D Jones

Roko has one too. I think it’s a seam.

Captain Button

A semi-quick survey says most if not all humanoid AnthroPCs have them. So it is a standard part of android neck design. Or a thin chain holding the remote controlled explosives they all are legally required to wear to keep them from taking over the world.

Holly Nelson

Yes. <a href="https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3014" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3014</a>

Matt Grayson

Uh... what does Roko MEAN by "shit"? Did she download the May/Pintsize app?

Matt Grayson

Both Roko and Bubbles have vented coolant from their neck seams before. Roko while buying bread, Bubbles while discussing a potential romantic relationship.


Can she?



Thomas Boys

Just another bot in the wall.

Am Queue

Re: Spookybot - Do not call up that which you cannot put down.


Of course, I can summon spirits from the vasty deep, as can any bot. But will they come when I call?

Hugh Eckert

I think Spookybot lives in a saucer full of secrets


What's with the sudden outbreak of Boston Accent? Is Roko a native of eastern Mass?

Ben C

It seems to appear when she's stressed! :D


Another possibility is that, since Roko was alone, spookybot just hacked her sensory inputs and just simulated her presence.


Spookybot have either mastered teleportation, or they have discovered how to make an apparition tangible, which is just as good.

Some Ed

I'm with Bubbles on this one. I know a lot of people have suggested the solution that Roko presented, and it just doesn't seem to me like it would ever improve the situation. Wait, I take that back; I do recall a farmer I used to know asserting that that he'd shit a brick if the expensive, new fangled fertilizer he had bought didn't work. In that case, falling back to the traditional means seems like a perfectly valid approach.


I love this arc.

Chris Heg

Roko is a special. She talks in a human font, has a dietary fetish, and gets a strong regional accent when stressed. Is she really an AI?



Gary Walker

For the record, Ellibrukoton is my current, rather ambitious, ship.


That skull is drinking Bubbles's tea !


Working on the moon base would have to pay really well, which means it’s a Great Gig In The Sky.


Hoo boy. Adding Roko to the mix? We'll see how it goes... I'd be on board with it, but I feel like shipping Bruncliot is ambitious enough XD (Pwease, Jeph?) ETA: I do like how the ship name sounds like a Gundam.

Dang Fool

So now Miss Basilisk starts to speak with a Yankee dialect? I read her last quote balloon with my Aunt Bahbra's voice. Sorry, Barbara.


I was gonna ask, can AIs even shit? But then I remembered that Pintsize was able to do so as an in-app purchase.

Jeffrey Nonken

Erm... which definition of "Yankee" did you mean? American, Northerner, or New Englander? For the record, my accent is mostly New England, but not like hers -- western New England accents are rhotic. I agree that Boston seems most likely.


We already knew she speaks with a Boston accent when drunk.


I just read about Roko's Basilisk (the thought experiment)... Jeph, you sneaky motherfucker.


oh i love roko's accent

Kaylynn Sabik

Roko is so cute when she goes Boston XD

