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RIP Claire




Relatable Claire is relatable.... xD

Terry Parry

Have a nice trip! Be sure to write!


Never did anything, kind of not interested but it's neat hearing people demonstrate what it feels like


High Claire is now Best Claire.


I thought I needed my glasses for that 4th panel.😅

Am Queue

.... I'm a little bit confused about how one 'vapes' pot - i thought it was liquid? There's liquid pot now? o.O


It’s honestly so much faster than i expect every time lmao

Alex Mullenix

You can liquify just about anything. But there's typically two ways, either a kind of oil or extract, or other options that vaporize the actual bud.

Ted Van Roekel

In a month it's legal in Michigan. Going to be a very relaxed holidays for some...


Picture yourself in a boat on a river...


Oh gods, her exams...

Mitchell Sealy

Hope this doesn't get away from her. She deserves a nice night of relaxation.

Hugh Eckert

Just reading this has given me the munchies.

jeff fearnow

Off Topic: What Breed is Ollie and how soon will you be cloning? ADORBS


Do we get something like Tequila Monster or that other thing that didn't get a name? Or....Gary?



Sleepy John

Better get hopping on the cookies, someone's about to have a munchie attack like she's never seen before.

Kyle Major

That's an interesting way to show high people I wonder if anyone will be in the bg like that


Ollie is a breed of pointy, triangular dogs. Something like a soft collie.

Brooks Moses

I like how her freckles are less blurry than the rest of her. It's like she's dissociated into her various Photoshop layers.


<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0hnDjI1Awc" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0hnDjI1Awc</a>


Cookies FIRST getting high AFTER. Didn't Clinton teach you anything?


Oh dear, I want to smoke soooo much right now


It me


I wonder if it was easier to draw Claire that way.

Boots McGoot

oh my god Tai you are *not helping*, there's nothing less relaxing than people watching you waiting for the 'fun' to start...

Dylan T

I've been there

Grace Kieser

In Claire's case it's going to be a very long river with some rapids!

Thomas Boys

Kind of hoping we see Tai channelling Willy Wonka's "World of Pure Imagination". QC has always needed a musical in it...


I full expect them all to just be watching Planet Earth while eating cookies.

Bruce Steinberg

My bet is they ooo and aaa over Candida Höfer "Libraries". <a href="https://smile.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/3829601867" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://smile.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/3829601867</a>

Matt Grayson

I love that Claire’s freckles are still in focus.


No, they actually shrunk to pinpoints, and then blurred.

Thomas Boys

A thought just occured to me - did Claire bring the Study Bread with her? I had visions of her munching the entire thing while stoned and then waking up in bed the next morning beside a whole pile of library methodology books... ...and remembering Every. Single. Word.