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Erin Moriarty

Now I want to see a Blobclaire doodle


Same, Claire, Same.

Charlotte Grubbs

I feel very seen by Claire right now. As much as I like to complain about my job (mostly the salary), I have to admit working in a library is pretty sweet.


I don’t blame Brun for not liking Doctors for figuring out a learning disability, or any kind of mental disability or quirk, really.

Mitchell Sealy

I used to feel the same. Had no noteworthy skills outside of academia. Turned out I wasn't as good at academia as I thought I was. I dunno, doing pretty alright for myself outside the system now. Just a dishwasher but life is a lot less stressful since I got out of school.


“It’s a wonderful day to walk down the road.. and if I ever stop singing, I will explode.” “Hey, Mr. Jacque!” “What have you done?” EXPLODE!


Heh. In my first library job, one of the librarians used to stay so late studying in her college library that she was scared to go home alone in the dark, and so would go way down into the stacks and sleep on a sofa. After a while, she decided that she would just as soon always be in a library. I can deal outside of libraries, but most other work feels pointless by comparison. Libraries are civilization par excellence.


Blobclaire? I can relate...


Little known fact: at home, Jeph is 5'2", 120 lbs, he just swells up as he leaves his yard (but for real Jacques the world does not have many folks that can write like you)


I see that Brun has shifted (without thinking about it) into Bartender Mode.

Captain Button

I don't see where you get that. I'd just assume that if they were too poor to afford raisins, they likely lived in an area with crappy schools where learning disability testing was poor or non-existent.

Summer Sudbrink

Although the metaphor wobbles a little when you consider the blobfish excels under tremendous pressure and stygian darkness.


My old uni library had a study area on the ground floor with floor-ceiling windows all along one side. It was known as the Fishbowl. Mostly because people walking past couldn’t resist tapping on the glass.

Denise Webber

I feel very vindicated now. I know exactly how Claire feels. I never felt like I was safe away from studying, so I made it so I was enrolled in something for a good many years.


People have no idea that by moving towards technology and the internet, we are destroying the natural habitat of librarians. These elegant creatures cannot exist outside the library system, so the system must be protected.


Aww shucks, here I was hoping for a "brun be autistic" confirm, but looks like we won't soon :(


Don't be like that, Claire. Evolve!


This isn't her final form! ... Oh right, you meant the other thing :)

Ben Russell-Gough

I think that this strip shows more-or-less where I wanted this interaction to go. Claire is being nice but the most Brun can say is that she 'is surviving'; without support, she hasn't really been able to thrive. That said, most of us can say that, can't we? Of course, in her own way, Claire is afraid of being outside of her comfort zone as Brun is. I find myself wondering if Jeph is planning an arc where Claire just goes out and does something random and realises that she's found an alternative to books; bonus points if it is something Marten-compatible like rock music or artistic criticism.


Inb4 josh draws a spectacled ginger blobfish

Dean Reilly

'You're living proof that you don't have to be good at tests to succeed in real life!' says Claire to the homeless woman living off scrounged day-old baked goods.

Bruce Steinberg

Technology and the internet are only making libraries reshape themselves; they are no less needed or vital. We'll always have our BlobClaires. :)


Jeph I'm gonna be honest man some of the recent cuts between pages have been kinda jarring, like it feels like Clinton just disappeared into the void somewhere between the previous strip and this one, the cut from Faye and Bubs at the shop getting frisky to them being at CoD with the saw felt off too, like we had missed a strip or something. I know we can't see every second of the characters lives and even besides that it'd make in universe time stretch out even more, but still you're usually fantastic at making the cuts feel really natural and subtle (it's actually one of the things that I've always looked up to you on as a writer) so the ones I mentioned feel pretty out of place and more noticeable than they might otherwise be. Anyway it's just an observation, figured I'd point it out just so you know, I imagine it's just a fluke, God knows I have plenty of those myself haha.

Ben Russell-Gough

She'd just drawn attention to Brun's non-neuronormative status and was feeling guilty about it. Like Clinton yesterday, she's back-pedalling, not realising that Brun wasn't offended in the slightest. Because of this, she's basically not making any sense. Such is the nature of social guilt.


Someone remind Claire how many times current people will change careers in their lifetime...


Um actually Claire, they don't explode. Their eyes can balloon out from the pressure change. They don't always die either. I've seen some deep sea fish be fine when brought up. So you'll be fine maybe!


I've been a system administrator since the late 1980s, except for a few years when I didn't which were completely miserable. So yeah... blobfish. (Granted I am arguably not a current person)


The little caption thingy speaks to me. Social anxiety people, fail to unite

Peter Jensen

<a href="https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3215" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">She is very good at her job</a>.


Clinton only came in to say hi to Brun and Elliot, presumably he is off talking with Elliot now.

Matt Grayson