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Celine Chamberlin

Just don't ever break up with her and you'll have nothing to worry about.

Andy Sleeper

Oooh... intense Claire!

Akashimo Hakubi

Speaking of smif, what happened with that spider, still running around there?


Ooooh boy here we go


Maybe Marten should just let her have his job. I mean, he has no passion for it at all. It's just a paycheck for him. He should try to find a job that he's actually passionate about.

Rob McBobson

I like the little extra panel in panel #2.


I imagine that - if its owner didn't catch it by now - it may not have survived. Tarantulas are not made for New England weather. Even if it managed to stay inside the library to keep warm, it would be a challenge to find enough food to stay alive.


He doesn't hate that job though. He's hated his previous jobs, and he's staying in this one because he doesn't hate it and it's convenient.


I forgot. What's Marten's job again?

Am Queue

I don't think Marten is an actual Librarian. I think he's a book-shelver and general assistant. As I recall, Tai told him that the person he thought was a janitor is a Librarian.

Gary Walker

Speaking of Marten's musical ambitions, is Deathmole just on hold while Hanners walks the earth?

Chris Heg

I have a feeling we may see Tai again soon!

Peter McDevitt

This is why Claire's good for Marten- she helps him recognize his privileges in more ways than one. It's important for people to get a chance to look beyond their worldview- sometimes you need a reminder that what you consider "just good enough to get by" would be seen as "peak luxury" by someone less fortunate. Now here's a big question- would Marten give up his job for Claire? It is what she's studying for. And just as big- would Claire accept if offered?


I think Marten is just a circulation clerk and shelver. If Smif has a union, and it likely does, that can pay surprisingly well, but a librarian would be massively overqualified for that work. Tai's job could plausibly be done by a librarian. In fact, I pretty much have Tai's job, and I'm a librarian. The only reason I can think of that someone with a library degree would want Marten's job is that it is hard to get work if you don't already have paid library experience.

Everett Bradshaw

I hope this leads Marten to do some career-based soul searching. I know he likes his job, but I really would like to see him do better.

Bruce Steinberg

If Marten is perfectly happy with his work and life right now, there's no reason he has to strive for a more "worthwhile" or "prestigious" job. People have a right to work a non-challenging but not demeaning job to pay the rent and enjoy their free time. He's certainly lucky to have gotten this one, but, as others have said, someone with actual training is overqualified for it and would likely be bored. After all that hard work and time, would someone actually be satisfied with shelving books instead of developing programs and assisting researchers? My friends with masters in library science certainly are more interested in the latter. One is actually perusing a Ph.D. so she will be qualified for a curitorial position.


Nice echo of the "prefer not to answer that" line


When it comes to Marten and Claire, I think they REALLY should take Dora's dad's advice. Their relationship went under way in the end of Claire's internship. I'm not sure it would survive them sharing a workplace full time.

Brent Catherman

I'm starting to see why Claire might not have talked to Marten sooner. I think on some level she'd know the conversation could go in this direction. I think Claire could get a job with her degree, but maybe not in Northampton and that's what's also eating away at her.


True. Marten is a library assistant. Sort of like the stock boy at the local grocery, except he stocks books instead of groceries. After graduation, Claire may be qualified to be an actual librarian, although she will still require further training in the procedures for this specific library.

Ben Russell-Gough

I've got to say that there must be something seriously wrong with the whole library sector if there are qualified people who yearn to be 'assistant shelf-stacker, book issuer and paper-shuffler', which is essentially Marten's job. This does emphasise something that I have personally noticed before: There are some qualified positions that can be adequately filled by an unqualified person with plenty of experience. Marten had to work over a period of years to get to where he is now (mostly because he couldn't rely on Tai to do lots of important stuff). Yet, in some ways, he is still considered inferior to a freshly-graduated MA (Lib Sci) with only one summer's intern work under their belt.

Ben Russell-Gough

I doubt that she would, although I can see her doing so only if Marten could find something else relatively secure that he LIKED. That said, I really don't think Claire would like working at Smif; she and Tai would be butting heads too much.


A LOT of jobs are like that...

David Paul

Unfortunately, having a degree does not always lead directly to a job. You still would more than likely have to deal with an internship, doing all the menial tasks that even the library assistants would prefer to dodge, to even be considered for any sort of position. If you're lucky.

Captain Button

That's what I have been worrying about, what happens if Claire gets a good job offer out of the area? Marten has a bad history with moving for love. We don't need another bear mauling.

Geo (Overand)

Hmm. I wonder how long it would take me to land a library job? (Kidding, fictional characters!)

Will Weaver

Is it bad that I think Claire’s devious face in the last panel is extremely cute?


As a holder of a library science master's degree who eventually had to give up and go back to her old job, this is all wayyyyyy too close to home.