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Ted Van Roekel

D&D jokes.... yessssss.... *Nerd intensifies*


Woo team bi!


Every time Bubbles says something that reminds us she can seriously wreck shit, I really want her to have a good reason to seriously wreck some shit...


For the love of Primus, don't teach Pintsize the Polymorph spell...

Gary Walker

Yesssssss. This is the content I wanted.


So Bubbles is probably a Bubbarian? (Sorry)


I am disgustingly happy with this arc. If it continues I shall be in extreme danger because my label of misogynistic and evil old bastard could be taken away.


Well, now that Bubbles is doing more of the human-like stuff, when will Faye talk to HannerDad about getting a jack implanted so she can do more of the AI-like stuff? Think about it. Clinton's hand works well enough, and that connection is way at the end of his arm. Imagine how much better a jack at the brain stem could be! Just be sure Faye's jack is incompatible with Pintsize. Please.


You should be. You stole that pun before -I- could steal it first. :P


She's proficient in all weapons... What about weaponizing non-weaponry?

Ian Wolfe

She is the weapon. Therefore, all the things are weapons in her hands.

Ian Wolfe

Drat, I was really hoping to see more of Bubbles is the dress. She was super cute in that!


Anyone else really wanna see this lovable band of nerds play d&d someday? It's not really their thing, maybe Dale or marigold, but it's never come up. Actually pintsize has played something similar in the past if I remember right... and not just that guest comic with the dildo beast lol.

Denise Webber

Can Jeph make Bubbles any cuter? This is a rhetorical question BTW, I suspect we haven't reached cute bubbles tipping point yet.


Each identity in the queer community has a signature weapon- Lesbians have longswords, Gays have gladiuses, Bis have battleaxes, trans people have tridents, Aces have maces, Pans have poleaxes and frying pans, Aros have bows, Genderqueers have glaives, Nonbinaries have nunchucks, and Demis have daggers. All queer people have proficiency in spears, as well.


Yay! She went with outfit #2. I thought it was the best compromise of cute and hot.


Too soon to tell her about the unicorns? Okay, I can dig it.

Danya Michael

Bubbles looks so proud of herself in the last panel. <3


Now I want to see Bubbles playing a halfling ranger in D&D and NAILING it.

J.E. Melton

I have two accounts so I hearted this twice. :)


Aww no booty shorts!


Since her lady is made of metal doesn't that make her more PANsexual?


That's cuz you're a fighter, Bubs.

Thomas Boys

Which class is it that has the ability to summon a small rainbow at will?


How dare you make this even more wholesome. How DARE you. Oh bubbs, you're cute! But considering the stuff you've worked through, maaybe hold off on that thought for a bit. Dora and Fae are KILLING me, though.

Thomas Boys

I would love to see a D&D campaign with the QC crew!


At first I thought "good one Bubbles!" but then I remember that she was in the army

Ben Russell-Gough

I'm glad to see that my assessment of 'best outfit' is the same as Jeph's. IMO, Bubbles rocks that outfit. Dora and Faye have been on edge with each other for a while, so it's good to see them at ease with each other again.


Bubbles is contributing!

Ben Russell-Gough

I suddenly hope that we'll see Faye sit in Bubbles's lap whilst she's sitting in her easy chair!


Spent some time riffing on this in Discord with my DnD group. -Heterosexuals get an additional feat at level 1, and periodic additional ability score increases -Lesbians are proficient with battleaxes, gain short-distance flight at level 3 and water magic at level 12) -Pansexuals also have animal language and darkvision, but they get Fire Magic at lvl 12 instead -Gay dudes start off with no additional bonuses, but specialize as a bear, twink or hunk at level 2 (this corresponds to an ability score increase in Con, Dex and Str, respectively) -Asexuals are immune to certain forms of charm and get levels of arcane resistance at 5, 12 and 17th level


omg i love this. would this mean aromantic gets automatic shield proficiency and immunity to all charm and persuasion?


I still think eventually, someone else will be dealing with some shit, and out of nowhere a hand will descend on whoever is harassing someone (Claire's dad harassing Claire?) and Bubbles will be there, furious, saying "Is there a problem here?"

Creepy Cat Lady

Welp I read the dual-wielding blurb at the bottom and now I am dead. <3 <3 <3


Bubbles is always the most adorable when she's excited about knowing something. Like when she and Elliot were exchanging work-out stories.


Team Bi also gives bi-fives instead of high-fives. It's a very intricate pattern, but we don't care which hand you use.



Jeffrey Nonken

When giving directions we DO NOT "go straight". We go gaily forward!

Matt Grayson

What do you suppose Bubbles is thinking in the first panel? "Maybe the clothing budget *could* have include the shorts... for special occasions..."? Or is she musing on the compromises of relationships in general?

Am Queue

I have been going gaily forward for some decades now...


Yes now that you mention it. Bubbles probably did buy the pants secretly for a sexy bedroom surprise later on. Headcannon accepted. XD


Bubbles has a belly button! Does her hair change when you press it? More to the point... Who (other than Pintsize, goes without saying) would dare find out? <a href="https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=2250" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=2250</a>

Matt Grayson

It looks more like a seam in the panel where she is wearing the "booty shorts". It's much cuter as a belly button. I wouldn't press it, though :)


now I want Bubbles to get into a table role-playing game and be a complete beast a strategy and tactics, but playing as a unicorn riding druid.