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While I look into getting it properly printed, I made a quick PDF of the web-resolution pages and I thought I'd give it to you lovely folks for free. Assuming Patreon can handle a bunch of people downloading a 50mb file, that is. Enjoy and let me know if any pages are missing or out of order or whatever!

Fun fact: I didn't realize how fucked up my page numbering system was until I put this together, hahahahaluhgludhlghuaslguh


Mad Marie

Jeph: Thank you again for creating this beautiful story and sharing it with us. I'm wondering what it would take for a professionally printed TPB run of Alice Grove to happen, and what we can all do to pitch in and help. I'd be willing to bet that between pre-sales and general fundraising, there'd be enough of us on Patreon with enough means to help make at least a limited run happen.

Ray Cornwall

You rock. Thanks so much! I'll read this over the weekend.


Thank you for an amazing comic!


I guess 50Mb is nothing in this day and age 🤷 as long as we don't all donwload literally at the same time and effectively DDOS them


Alice Grove was the webcomic update I looked forward to more than any other. You did some really amazing storytelling, and I'm excited to have the whole thing as a PDF. Thank you!


who remembers the days when “slashdot” was a verb?


SUPER cool story, and a real cool move for the PDF! Thanks!

Celine Chamberlin

Thank you, Jeph. Alice Grove was a fun ride and I'm glad we all got the chance to see a bit of her world.

Al Hunt

Holy crap! I was expecting a poster or something. This is FANTASTIC! Thanks, Jeph!


What a great gift! Thanks, Jeph. Binge!

Richard Bennett

Wow, that's amazing, thanks :)


This is amazing. FYI, the end of chapter 2 is repeated, ending at page 73.


Wonderful! This cheered up a disappointing evening, thank you Jeph! :)

Captain Button

Thank you. It took me like 4-5 tries to get it downloaded, but the problems may be on my end.

Al Hunt

Hi, Jeph. Found a duplicate section. Near -- "One favored the advancement of the species through biological means."


Jeph: Dup page at end of chapter 2 (Alice's exposition of "The Blink")


Awesome. Thanks! I stopped reading a while ago because the resolution in the RSS feed was weird, too low for me to read most of the time. Looks like a great time to start over and read it all :)


Thx! :-)

Dirk Bergstrom

Thanks! Sad to see Alice end, it's been a really good read. Looking forward to re-reading it in a concentrated form. Maybe I'll wait for the print version...


Many thanks - a worthy tribute to Mr Banks


I love QC, but Alice Grove is what convinced me to join Patreon. An amazing story with fantastic art. Thank you for posting this for us!

Ian Cull

(page 76 says "skill skeptical" instead of "still skeptical")

Peter Jensen

Awesome, I intended to re-read the whole thing this weekend, and this just made it all the more convenient!


And a typo on page 109: "Thay under cover!"


Aw, not the end Japh! That was SUCH a good story, and the openings at the end leave me wanting more! Does Alice find her black hole, and what happens there? What about the growing pains of earth's re-awakening? Oh, and I totally agree with Michael - Iain M Banks would have been proud. Maybe Alice might encounter a Culture AI ship on the way to the black hole? Please take a break and reconsider "The End".


There are some errors in the text of the story as well.


Jeph, that was a beautiful story. Thanks for giving it to us.


I agree... it was in all a very Banksian story, and I too am grateful and moved by that.


The ending was a bit abrupt, like I want to know what happened when everyone got back to Earth, because it looks like Alice didn't leave right away, though she said she would, but I like where it went. It'd be cool to see Alice's adventures in space!


Characters were mostly endearing, but this novella has WAY TOO MUCH GRATUITOUS VIOLENCE for my tastes. Can't we leave that sort of thing behind in the sordid past, as we press forward with artwork representative of a more evolved culture of sentient beings?


I hadn't heard of this until now, but I'm glad I did. I loved it and I think you ended it perfectly. The promise of an entire universe worth of stories and worlds. You really captured the spirit of Banks's works, thank you for that.


Gratuitous? None of the sparse violence was gratuitous; it all made complete sense within the storyline.


Thanks. This totally made my day.

Matt Lee

I haven't read any Alice yet but I'm excited to be able to experience the whole thing at once. It's cool of you to toss this PDF out to all patrons, even at the $1 level. Thanks!

Landy K Hayes

Good stuff mate very interesting read.

Brad Knowles

I had read some parts, but it's been a long time. I really enjoyed being able to read the whole story in one sitting. Thanks!


Just reread this a day or two ago, but that's not going to stop me from going through the PDF.

Dan B

I thought it was fantastic! Great stuff. :)


The story about the Blink is twice there. And there's a typo in Ardent's text. Somewhere between page 18 and 19.


'twas so good to read it all over again, thank you, Jeph (still want in on dead trees)


Yay, great! Thanks!! <3

David Paul

I ended up doing an archive binge after reading the end of Alice Grove. It is such an amazing story! You sir, are a storytelling genius :)

Peregi Tamas

Thanks for the incredible journey! When the physical copy comes out, will you consider adding the DORD comics as an extra at the end of the book? I love them, and I really would like to have them in print. :)

Peregi Tamas

(I know they have nothing to do with each other, but since both are sci-fi stories, I think they'd fit in the same book.)


This was a truly amazing piece of work. Some absolutely great twists and an ending I NEVER saw coming. Though I wish we had been able to explore more of Alice's world, I'm grateful that you let us share as much of it as you did. I look forward to your next project!


"Radically Engineered Ancient Humaniforms" would be a great name for a band.


Having reread the whole story in two sittings now, I have to say that it feels perfectly paced and very satisfying. I would still love to see other stories told in this world and see an expedition to the moon though :)


Thank you so much Jeph! I enjoyed Alice Grove so much, I hope you consider writing more sci-fi or branching out in any new direction


As Yola Leroch said, there's a duplicated section. It begins with Gavia saying "It's just not possible. The Praeses think, but..." and ends at "End Chapter Two" (but the first time through is not tagged with that chapter-end text).


This is awesome! I for whatever reason have never read the comic but now am excited to binge it all in one convenient format.


Thank you!


Yep, noticed the same. It's on page 70 and 71 of the pdf.

Josh Dick

Somehow fell out of reading Alice Grove when you were publishing it online so was very happy to receieve this PDF so I could binge it all at once! :) Thanks Jeph!


Thank you, Jeph

David Cortesi

Minor typos in dialog. p68, Gavia "Wait a minute, if you remember even fraction of it" (missing "a"); p76 Alice, "Skill skeptical, eh." p109, Alice, "Thay under cover!" (I don't think she's lisping...) p122 Alice, "if you hadn't instisten on emptying your arsenal..." p151 Ellie, "...we have no dea if it'll be fueled..." That's it.


Jeph - I really enjoyed this story! If you ever get moar ideas for the Alice Grove universe I hope you will share them!

Brent Catherman

While I would gladly pay for a paper copy this will do. Thank you!


Great work on this... I've followed it since the start. I'm going to miss this weekly part of my life.


Truly a great work.


I was re-reading. This is the most precious anything ever. <a href="http://prntscr.com/gbbutp" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://prntscr.com/gbbutp</a>