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Missing a "kg" in Brun's dialogue? Not saying what unit per cubic meter


Just about any conversation can refer back to stardust...

Adam Friedlander

"Dense as a neutronium dumpling" is one of my favorite oddball insults. (From Dan of Dan's Data.)

Gary Walker

I'm basically always thinking about degenerate matters.


It's Dina, but not restricted to dinosaurs as a subject matter for conversational tangents.


Also, this is how my wikipedia searches go.


The SI unit would be the implicitly understood one in astrophysics. The SI unit for density is kg / m³. So yes, kg is understood from the dialogue (although that makes "per cubic meter" a little misplaced, admittedly).


My brain works something like that, too. Also, great job on Brun's blush in the last frame.


My god, it's full of stars!


Talk to former science teacher me, and Brun would instinctively get the one-upmanship answer: "Yes."


Awwww, Brun! You were using dog jokes as a way to relate to humans socially! I want to hug you but I would ask permission first and you probably wouldn't get anything out of it.

David Paul

Brun, I would totally hang out and talk astrophysics with you :)


My brain does that too. I have an old friend who would ask which stepa got me from the convo topic to what I said. heh.


As someone who was diagnosed with Aspergers as a kid, I can relate to Brun quite a bit. She seems to have a lot of similar traits to someone with high-functioning autism. From an inability to instinctively "get" social cues to her uncannily good knack with numbers and an "obsession" with something technical. Mine's computers, I've known at least one person who's the same way about trains. For Brun, it seems to be clocks. I have no clue if you intentionally wrote her to be an Aspie, but she's certainly an entertaining figure, and someone I'll never tire of seeing :) Keep it up!

Matthew Foweraker

Ah, the good ol' brain wiki-walk. I know it well.


What unit is that, nothing per cubic meter?


Yeah, that's what I was going to ask. I'm guessing it's kg, since it's pretty common to quote densities in either kg per m^3 or g per cm^3.

jeff fearnow

Brun in "Hey gang I has a technical!" mode is freaking ADORABLE (3rd frame)


Same, Brun.


But what unit of mass?


I love Brun. I do the same thing all the time.


If it sounds awesome a shirt with Brun's face in the second panel by itself would be pretty handy at cons so people will have a hint to where (seemingly) unrelated remarks come from.


Thanks for having a character like this who is very realistic and not Sherlock Holmes or a villain