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In Clin-ton's mind, he's already lost :(


Poor Clinton


Panel 3: We've all been there, man


I look forward to a future death match between Clinton and Elliot but somehow involving the consumption of coffee and cakes


he heard the two L's


Clinton needs to do another How I'm Feeling infodump.

Dylan T

Clinton you clueless bastard

Samantha Yeaman

Brun worked as a bartender and doesn't understand a conversation about clarifying relationships? I am now fully convinced she spent her workdays practising her harpooning, which is fairly understandable.


I don't understand comics without robots.


Oh, wait, there's Clinton's hand. Now I get it.


All other things being equal, assuming that a lady would prefer Elliot would be pretty reasonable, although of course Clinton doesn't know that Elliot is a man-mountain.


Is that what friends are for, Clinton? Or is that what *friends* are for?


Elliott is way too nice of a guy to be involved in any sort of death match. Just like he supported Marten and Renee, he wouldn't fight with Clinton over Brun.


That's what friend-friends are for, apparently.


I really appreciate the indicators that Brun is somewhere on the autism spectrum. I work with a few people that have varying degrees of autism and one in particular shares quite a few of Brun's mannerisms. And I'm loving the diverse cast. There's a trauma survivor with what is similar to PTSD, there's a character with obsessive cleanliness, a recovering alcoholic, a transgender woman, a pansexual dork and her bisexual girlfriend (if I'm correctly remembering Tai and Dora's preferences), and a character that appears to be on the autism spectrum. And apparently an allosaurus victim as well, RIP Sara. It's refreshing to see this instead of a bunch of white dudes (cough cough C&H etc)

Gary Walker

Pretty sure Tai is strictly into ladies, but aside from that, I couldn't agree more.