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Lucifer 4x6 https://bit.ly/44cViUF

Peaky Blinders 4x3 https://bit.ly/3O35klu


Celia Fox

In some mythologies Lilith was Adam's first wife and lived with him in the garden of Eden. She rebelled against God's plan for her and was cast out of Eden. God then took Adam's rib one night as he slept and created gentle, pliable Eve to be his companion. In some mythologies and definitely in this Lucifer one, Lilith is the mother of all demons and thus the mother of Maze. Just remember her name. I think Linda was right about Lucifer in that he is being torn in two directions and questioning his own motives and feelings. I didn't think Eve was 'dark' but just wanted Lucifer to be himself- the trouble is the Lucifer she remembers as Amenadiel said, sowed chaos and disaster for his own amusement (probably as part of his rebellion and to stick his fingers up at his Dad) I also think Eve probably thinks that Lucifer as more altruistic and trying to be good isn't the devil she remembers or wants... but can we go back to the past? As to the Angel's names, in this Lucifer mythology they do use some names from the Bible but others are totally just created for the Show. I wouldn't worry about it, just accept them when you meet them! After all this Show references the Bible but is based on a Comic Book story by Neil Gaiman. (Who if you recall voiced 'God' in the bonus episode in season 3 ' Once Upon a Time'. Thanks for another great reaction, even if you weren't warmed up! 🤣🤣❤️

Jennifer Johnson

TOMMY+LIZZY! So glad they hooked up "for real" and not a booty call 🤗