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Dexter 8x6 https://vimeo.com/805376970/9334c2fda0

The Handmaids Tale 1x1 https://vimeo.com/805372690/c75e58ed62



The Handmaid's Tale: Yeah there are a lot of questions you'll have during this show. Some answers come, often very slowly. I still have plenty even after multiple series. The terms are plentiful and they are great at not just explaining everything in large exposition dumps. Which means we have to have patience and often read into a lot of what is being said in conversation and implied by the imagery. It is a more than a little frustrating. Especially the questions. But how did we get here? Who are they? How did this happen. Why!!!!!? 😆 As you saw by the flashbacks, they do try to fill in some of the gaps. They will keep building on that very very very gradually, but I never found it to be a truly complete picture, for me personally. That's what kept me watching this incredibly dark and depressing show.

Antony Oscar

I don't think I watched more than a couple of episodes of Handmaid's Tale when it came out, because it was too dark and depressing. But I might watch more now that you're reacting to it, haha. I need the company! 🤣