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doctor who 10x5 https://vimeo.com/791521432/d4fc242894



Doctor Who does Corporate Greed well, but doesn't handle different races well. The show runners are all middle aged white men and they don't really know how to write different races very well, but they do try. Chris Chibnall probably does the best job of this, by hiring a diverse team of writers and directors. But that is in your future, so no spoilers from me ;)


People will tend to notice the lazy shortcut stereotypes that they might or certainly not identify with. Certainly, if they see their use a lot. But we can be oblivious to others. That's human nature and completely understandable. Perspective is also important though. Often but not always there are 3-4 stages of character creation and presentation. The writing of the script. The acting and the presentation from the actor of that character. Then there's scene direction from the director and the final cut from post-production. You'll know as an actor, that that role has just as much responsibility in the portrayal as the other stages. This is where we will see part of the change needed when actors decide to decline to perpetuate these repeated themes if they don't see them as helpful. Now that representation is as an important component as any other, in writing and casting. The power for those much-needed changes is even more in the hands of those that are best equipped to make it happen. A perspective that is also quickly presented in this episode and then moved on from. Is taking a perspective from one time and place and moving to another where it perhaps doesn't have the same or even a different relevance. When Bill encounters someone who doesn't look like her and reacts awkwardly. Her comment then reflects that she has taken her own experience from her own time and tried to relate it to an alien environment where experiences might not necessarily be the same. This isn't there to say that her own experiences aren't relevant or important. But by flipping the perspective to look at it from another direction, we see that it could be a two-way street.