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Doctor Who 10x4 https://vimeo.com/789175049/cc4cd354f4



I agree, the ending is pretty goofy. This is an episode I usually skip over. It feels like a bit of a waste of casting, having acting royalty David Suchet as the Dad/Son (although his performance was of course excellent). The reason he pretended to be the dad is because he needed to be in a position of power over her so she wouldn't end it all and he'd lose her (which is what ended up happening). Bit of a meh reveal for me. It also felt a bit forced having Bill decide to move out.


8 is a fair rating. I go back and forth on this one depending on my mood when watching. It flutters between a 6.5 and an 8 if I'm appreciating the horror aspect more than the execution and conclusion. It's the big old bad BBC again... 🤣 I'll guess, that maybe they are more ferociously territorial over every penny because the BBC is primarily funded by the British public licence fee and has no additional revenue from advertising. So to fully protect the ever-shrinking investment from our pockets, they are perhaps in part overly aggressively protecting publicly owned content that is funded by the British public. I know it seems miserly, but not everyone today feels like this imperfect British institution, which had its 100th birthday just last year, needs to be protected. With no BBC there might not be a Doctor Who.

Andres Rey

U know I didn't know the British public funded it and now it makes sense..USA can't even view bbc on youtube like their main channel...it says not viewable in ur country or some shit...soooo that's very interesting they are very protective of their content extremely