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Doctor who 8x11 https://vimeo.com/755773501/2af7795c44




An interesting question. I guess what we can never know now... Is how you might have reacted to Danny if you hadn't had a slew of people saying that they didn't like him and found his character annoying and won't watch it. Obvs you can and absolutely should say that you are completely able to make your own mind up and are wouldn't have in any small way been influenced by sections of the audience. I guess I'm free to agree or disagree of that potential assessment. I'll never know now for sure myself. But you aren't the first or last to have the same opinion. However baffling I might find that position on his character. Clara's reaction was based on the toxic and combative nature of their relationship and the fact she already knew what The Doctor would say to her request. We could indeed make a comparison with Rose and what she did. That was a different kind of situation and kind of grief. Let's not forget her actions almost broke the universe by seeking to change events. Rose being another character whom you started out liking. Coincidentally that began to change after people said they hated her and then you found her annoying. There's something in physics about the status of observable objects and by being their to observe them you risk altering the outcome. Danny's response to Clara should be fairly obvious. He didn't want her to come to place for which he now resides. A place he might consider to be hell. He did kill a child after all. Again he's trying to protect her. Is that an annoying quality. I guess it must be, I honestly don't know anymore. Fascinating as usual dude. Looking forward to the series finale.