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Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Special!  The Day Of The Doctor Part 2




Glad you loved this as much as expected. He's the 4th Doctor as I imagine you've been told countless times im the comments by now. 😁 Maybe you could do a classic episode or two of his. 🤔 BUT ☝🏻 WhOOWHoo 👃 😉 Yeah I might have dropped that one in a previous comment for the fans. Maybe somebody should have sent you a box of 'cup a soups' for this reaction. 🤣 https://youtu.be/ITZZuuVpGH4 And told you to maybe avert your eyes during the opening credits. But... If you'd seen this when it aired then it wasn't a surprise for most. They have a tendency to announce this kinda thing sadly. The BBC centenary episode is in Oct, the 60th anniversary is next year and we already know some things that are planned for those. Occasionally it's been know that helpers have sent reactors. (I'm thinking of Failwhale34 here.) An edited version of this episode to avoid seeing certain names in the credits. You may have gotten a.... "Did I just see that!" For David. But appeared to miss Billie so that was a nice surprise for you. Loved that you clocked she was the wolf before she said it. 👍🏻 Nothing spoilt the reaction for you or us I should say, incase you might think that's why I'm mentioning your sideways recognition of David's name. That was just as fun for me!

Antony Oscar

This was certainly a long awaited reaction and it was great! I love all the Doctors but 10 is my fave, followed closely by 12, so now that this special is out of the way, I'm really looking forward to the rest of 11's arc and then the introduction to 12.