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Bridgerton 3x2 https://tinyurl.com/mpuyu3hr

Interview with the vampire 2x2 https://tinyurl.com/557skun9



Don't listen to people hating on this season!!! I have found the same as you...many judgy people unwilling to try to understand or forgive characters for their mistakes. I've even seen more than one say that Colin's character makes no sense and they can't feel attached to him because he's such a man-whore jerk. But it just baffles me! He had a major secondary storyline in 1 that carried over to 2. Can people really not see how a sensitive boy who would have married the pregnant girl he loved if only she'd actually loved him back wouldn't be affected by that?? He left and came back and his attempt at friendship was so severely rebuked he went off and went deeper down the rabbit hole of, "feelings are too painful so ill stop feeling them altogether. Come on. Or Pen doing what she did to Eloise, but, remember...she knew about Theo. And she never actually mentioned him. She scandalized the ton over something they'd quickly forgive (associating with nameless people with radical ideas. Mentioning Theo would have absolutely ruined Eloise. And she didn't. These are the same characters we loved before...try to actually sympathize with them and understand them. Hating someone forever because of a mistake, even a character, says far more about the hater than the character. 😘 Watching now! I just saw your intro and needed to rant a bit about it!


Season 3 is my favorite season so far. Though I do not understand why they have put so many unescessary plotlines in there. Polin is my favorite couple, so I might be a little biased.