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Buffy 1x3 http://tiny.cc/b9swxz

supernatural 1x5 http://tiny.cc/g9swxz

friends 1x7 http://tiny.cc/i9swxz

young royals 3x3 http://tiny.cc/j9swxz


Pamela Chandler Rash

I'm excited about YR 3x3 but was just wondering about 3x2. Not that I'm not grateful, it's like the second favorite episode of the season. My favorite of all seasons is 3x5 can't wait for that one.

Andres Rey

Hey I am gonna check my Google drive when I wake up I swear that would be the 3rd reaction I swore I posted and I apparently didn't? I been sooo tired lately and trying to do too much sorry about this. I will try my hardest to find it

Pamela Chandler Rash

Just finished watching 3x3. You saying Wilhelm is a little too obsessed with Simon is a huge understatement. He had been obsessed since he first saw Simon. Thank god Simon returned his feelings or it could have gone in stalker territory for Wilhelm. The Royal court are forcing Wilhelm to tell Simon to change everything that made Wilhelm like him in the first place. Wilhelm liked that Simon didn't like him because he was a prince, if anything it was a strike against him. He liked how outspoken Simon was. And they are using Wilhelm worry for his mother against him. I liked Farima up until she said he needs to take more responsibility because his mother's health. The queen lost a son, it's horrible and tragic but they are just pouring everything else on the remaining son, the trouble maker son that they couldn't care less about until his brother died. He talks to the royal advisors more than his parents. Like near the beginning of the episode and Wilhelm is trying to call her she doesn't answer. Wilhelm may have the money and standing or whatever but Simon won the mom lottery. I even like Simon's dad over Wilhelm's. He is the queen's husband first and like father is like eleventh thing on his list. Took until the third season for us to hear him call his son. In the second episode at the end when the dad called, he acted like it was the first time he ever called, so did Wilhelm. Now to Simon. This episode broke my heart for him. You can just see how beaten down he's getting. So much different from the boy in the first season and even second season. I get why he didn't go to Sara, he's still working out his feelings about the whole thing. Not only her betrayal but her going to their dad after making him feel like crap for talking to him in season one. That's where her betrayal of Simon started. As for August, I feel bad for him sometimes. I think they gave us Vincent so we could have someone we could hate all the time. LOL, didn't mean for this to be so long. Like I said yesterday, this is one of my favorite episodes of the season. 5, 3, 1, 6, 4, 2 is how I list them.