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TL:DR; You won’t be charged for October.

I’m not sure exactly how it happened but September just came and went and I’m looking at the list of rewards that I need to fulfill with a stern and concerning look while thinking: “You should be done by now.”

Clearly there was some point of failure that I didn’t account for. Regardless of the cause of the problem, the solution is likely to be a stricter schedule that I should adhere to with proper room for screw-ups.

To fix this problem, October will be my “catch-up and set up a schedule” month. Which should hopefully lead to a more organized experience for everyone in the long run.

I’ll go into more detail about this on a later post (after I make a battle plan) but I needed to get this information out there since the billing cycle was coming up.

Thank you all for your support, I’ll strive to do better.



Do what you need to do! No shame in stopping to get your thoughts in order. c:


As long as you’re doing okay x: don’t be too hard on yourself


Please don't burn yourself out for us... that is the last thing we want. Take all the time you need. We are with you <3


You are an honorable Mander :3