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Telegram/Discord Channel

I have a Telegram channel now! Yay! I'll be posting WIPs (along with everything else) on there. So if you want to check it out: https://t.me/shiuk_art

There is also a Discord channel if that's your bag: https://discord.gg/Q8Fvvh

I'll also be adding WIPs to posts I make on here (they'll just come with the final image so I don't email spam you guys), so you won't miss out on anything if you don't want to join the channel.

New Tiers

Some of you have been asking for new tiers for a little while now, and I've been thinking of what to do about it. I don't want to add too much more workload but at the same time I do like drawing cuties. So, I'm going to try these tiers out for a little while. 

Telegram sticker tiers let you submit your character and I'll make a sticker for them. You can provide me with a link to any prior stickers you already have so you don't get any duplicates (unless you want that). There's a total of 9 slots available for those. We'll see later on if I can increase it to more.

Extra Axolotls tiers are increased pledge daily sketches. Basically an increased priced on the Axolotl tier in the hopes that this will get people to rotate out of this tier a little more and let other people have a chance at it :3 Otherwise, it's the same as the Axolotl tier.

Managing tiers. I'm going to stop using Patreon Messages for managing tier rewards (unless that is the preferred method by you!) because the back and forth takes too long on messages. I'll be contacting you guys via telegram or discord or something.



mmkay, it seems you all really like stickers.


Hehe... What did you expect shiuk ❤️