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Hey everyone!

Oofs, that "break" was longer than I wanted it to be, but we have finally finished it! I have finally finished my part of a large project for Biggest Little Fur Con. This year their theme is "Dungeons and Dragons" so we had the idea of making an attempt at creating a campaign setting book. It was clearly a lot more work then we initially figured it would be. My favorite part to work on was the map which I included as an attachment on here. Once the book layout is complete I'll go ahead and link you guys to it so you can check it out.

I'm excited to start up this patreon again and get back to doodling cuties on a daily basis :3 I think I'm going to alter some reward tiers, but I'll make a post about it tomorrow after I make the changes. 



Andre (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-05 15:02:51 gosh, long break. glad you're back though~ the map is absolutely amazing, and i cannot wait to see what this book looks like. does changing your rewards mean new people will have a chance at your higher tiers, or am i still crap out of luck? >w>
2019-04-30 04:33:12 gosh, long break. glad you're back though~ the map is absolutely amazing, and i cannot wait to see what this book looks like. does changing your rewards mean new people will have a chance at your higher tiers, or am i still crap out of luck? >w>

gosh, long break. glad you're back though~ the map is absolutely amazing, and i cannot wait to see what this book looks like. does changing your rewards mean new people will have a chance at your higher tiers, or am i still crap out of luck? >w>


I will be adding a few more rewards that will give new people at a chance at higher tiers, but I can only add so many of those~ 'v'


Literally just yesterday I was thinking "gosh, I haven't seen any new Shiuk art in a while, what's up? Hope he starts arting again soon..." Then like magic you do!