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I will most likely be pausing the next billing cycle, perhaps even the one after that as well. What does this mean for you? 

Well, the pros are:

+ You will not have to pay a single cent at the start of each month, for however long my pause lasts
+ You will still be able to read my updates
+ I will still be releasing content

And the con:

- There will be no polls during the pause

Why am I doing this?

Well, as I'm sure you know, I am still way behind schedule. By pausing the billing cycle, I won't receive any money from you, but at the rate I'm currently working at, I will never catch up, so I figured the most fair thing to do is simply to keep working on my current projects, while not having to worry about disappointing you guys with a lack of new content.

In other words, don't go anywhere! You won't lose anything by simply waiting for me to get back on track!

Furthermore, I'm thinking about changing up my way of releasing new content. 

Here is the issue with the current way I'm doing it: By posting new stories as often as posting new chapters, there will be too many new stories to work on simultaneously, and with only one new chapter released each month, there will be a massive build-up of incomplete stories. In order to prevent this, I'll have to make new chapters at a greater rate than I make new stories. 

So, my plan is this: Instead of making a new story + chapter each month, I will make two new chapters every second month, and one new story every month in between. Of course, making only one new story every second month is a bit meager, so to compensate, I was planning on starting a project in the form of a story with short, episodic chapters, featuring a main character that has sex with new dickgirls in each chapter. Along with each bi-monthly new story, there would be one new chapter of this new project to go with it. I haven't yet decided which universe the new project would take place in, but I'll talk more about that later, maybe hold a poll for it.  

I am personally excited about these changes, and I hope that you guys are too. There's no way for me to keep going as things currently are, it is a system that is bound for failure. 

Would love to hear you guys' thoughts on all this!

And last but not least, here are the winners from the last polls:

Chapter poll: Bound by Blood chapter 2

Story poll: Story #2



What about those who simply want to support you without any benefit?